Just a thought that came to mind...what if the Trump hotel had sky high rates on the 3rd & 4th to discourage Patriots from being in DC?
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This is what I had thought. Glad we're all thinking along the same lines here.
Not that it's groupthink, echo chamber or hivemind. It's called like-minded intelligent folks being on the same page.
Like minds think it's great!
Amen! The ability to dissent is always there, but you better come with a sound argument. Love this community <3
It's the difference between Anons and, say, the comment section on a YouTube Steven Colbert or Seth Meyers video. Holy crap is that place a leftist circle-jerk. Trump this, trump that, orange man bad, republicans bad, no credit anywhere even when it's due....
Even we here at GA give credit to democrats when they manage to step up and do the right thing. And, as Fren who loves our Pres but is honest with himself, even I sometimes criticize certain things Trump says or does (or didn't go far enough to do). He's only human and he makes mistakes. But my Lord has grace and forgiveness with me; so I return the favor.
Echo chambers exist all over... even we get involved in our own occasionally. Gotta have a keen eye and discernment for this stuff.