There was an interesting gematria post put up by President Trump after the UN plane crash that supposedly killed UN workers (fleeing pedophiles and traffickers, and the crash didn't really exist). The "decode" for it was basically "They claimed they were dead, so we killed them. After all, they were already dead anyways, right?"
Interesting 4d chess move there.. like if you find and kill Ken Lay of Enron infamy, its not as though you can be arrested for killing someone who is supposedly already dead.
Or wreck a drug grow-op, what are they going to do, call the police to report the damage?
Maybe they faked this. Guys a big shot so maybe club gitmo extended stay
I also wonder how many will fake their deaths and try to disappear to escape what's coming....
tons of them
in fact, I think its been happening for a couple years, already
No need to wonder, if I had a choice of life imprisonment I would fake it. And pay millions to have a face lift.
But they are billionaires with connections. They could escape by private plane, boat, train, car, etc.
I'm actually wondering if this is what's taking so long... they need to hunt a lot of these people down that are in the wind. Just my personal theory.
Perhaps this was a failed escape attempt and he was taken out ?
There was an interesting gematria post put up by President Trump after the UN plane crash that supposedly killed UN workers (fleeing pedophiles and traffickers, and the crash didn't really exist). The "decode" for it was basically "They claimed they were dead, so we killed them. After all, they were already dead anyways, right?"
Interesting 4d chess move there.. like if you find and kill Ken Lay of Enron infamy, its not as though you can be arrested for killing someone who is supposedly already dead.
Or wreck a drug grow-op, what are they going to do, call the police to report the damage?
The shadow war continues.
see in another thread this might have been a good guy wacked by Hitlery & Co
He could still be a not good guy. Just pissed off or scared the wrong ppl.