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These people are sick! This is a picture I took at a Walmart back in 2020. There is no need to to call anyone sexy in a children’s book, let alone a dying, dementia suffering old man.
I found two books at the Walmart in my town, both piping hot fresh libtard bullshizz. One on "recognizing your white privilege" and the other on how to debase your white privilege.
Needless to say, I will no longer grace that store with my patronage.
The sad part is, they have some of the lowest food prices in town, which was why I even bothered to shop there. Feeding 3 teenage/adult boys and a 10 yr old girl, PLUS my aging parents is pretty effing expensive. Just my food bill alone for the month is ~ $1000.
Looks like I will be shopping at the local Save-A-Lot now. Their prices are better, but the selection is worse. At least it inst located in the ghetto.
Check and see if there is a nearby Aldi! It’ll change your life!
I went into an Aldi for the first time a few weeks ago. It is really cheap there. Ill be going back for sure. I hate how they dont give you bags though.
Yeah it’s frustrating. Especially when you forget to bring some. I can’t believe the difference in my grocery spending now that I switched over. I even prefer a lot of their products.
I just popped in for some coffee creamer one night so I didnt take much time to look around. but I noticed some good prices on a few things as I walked through the isles so next time I go, Ill be walking every isle.
have you watched any of those YT channels about feeding a family on a strict budget? real basic things you could get at any store. this is a good channel.
I hate to shop too, so we've been eating beans, rice, eggs, etc. and lots of rotisserie chickens from the local store. only $6 and can be separated into several dishes.
can't wait for summer with all the farmer's markets, hopefully can avoid the stores even more.
avoiding any George New threads, so that's ^ my life skills lesson of the day:)
That's disgusting.
Are the kids left with an option as to whether his leg hairs are standing up or flattened down?
That’s up to artist interpretation, I believe.
Apparently they like to watch it come back up again. So if he wasnt lying about that I would say, given what hes disclosed publicly, the kids do seem to have a realistic expectation in the possibility of a future leg hair position outcome likely being in their favor but it is unclear as to how much control they have insofar as a possible option to choose from or if that is even possible.
You have a good point and it does raise some technical challenges. Maybe ethical ones too, but that is beyond the scope of this discussion. I'm wondering if something along the lines of a "pop-up book" would allow for a high level of realism. Something like this?: https://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/IH6v4p8BlQvAhibQd0aFLWXdw4w/fit-in/1024x1024/filters:format_auto-!!-:strip_icc-!!-/2017/11/01/762/n/24155406/8967b87922151b6b_popupbutterflygarden/i/Butterfly-Garden.jpg
Agreed. Technical and ethical challenges set aside, I must say this much too high brow and might alienate certain viewers with whom brain matter is more scarce. Im actually worried this level of actute high level scholarship in visual form needs some type of contextualization for the unwashed masses who fail to grasp the profundity of such a masterwork. I think your visuals demonstrate Baudrillard's notion of hyper reality. We see here at play demonstrated by the leg hairs actually becomes a symbolic subversion of existing power structures which takes on a realistic sense that imposes itself with superiority even over the impact of the actual leg hairs themselves, in a sense.
The resistance of the leg hairs due to the wetness demonstrates a clear visual irreconcilability representing this inner conflict in the reader particularly where leg hair would be unencumbered by systematic oppression in the form of what Marcuse referred to as an ideology which conceals the grip of domination. In the sentiments expressed by the children represented here by the visual representation of blond leg hair, we see the devastating effects the weight of the water drops represents a lack of autonomy engendered by the current political system but which speaks to a eventual possibility as was discussed we can clearly see that your format takes intellectualism to its very final conclusion really to the frontier, if you will, the literal apex of human intellectual capacity.
Exactly! Clearly you've been reading my mind, although I find it odd that there's been no recent entries to the visitor logs.
What seems indisputable is that there appears to be some connection between the content of your response and the user name that it is issued forth from. I shall now endeavour to drop some random names and topics with the intended goal of obfuscating my lack of erudition as well as my dearth of scholarly accomplishments.
Gary Larson, existentialism, Matt Groening, anamnesis, various high-brow figures from the art world, Dr. Tom Campbell, consensus reality, the field of post-menopausal pediatrics, something called "Divine Pencil Theory" and Gordon Jump.
I'm not sure any of this will help to propel our venture toward fruition but it certainly has an air of sophistication about it. Very important, I believe.
P.S. your use of "profundity" was truly splendid--possibly spectacular.
Get this man a PHD NOW!!!
I just threw up in my mouth.
WTH? This is sick!
And $12 for any coloring book is a rip off no matter who or what it’s about! Especially this one!
Can I throw up now!
Check out some of the pictures inside! How would you like your kids to color Joe getting out of a shower?
There is no way these were in a kid's colouring book.
Those are the real pictures. Walmart website review have people complaining and posting the pictures in the comments.
I'm gonna have to just trust you on that. It is absurd though. Sheesh.
WtF is that???
Tell me, please this isn't really a thing. Please.
It is a real thing. I found it in my local Walmart back in 2020.
definitely believe you- because liberals are twisted!
this is an actual book we had to read with 1st grade students.
the pictures in the book are of a hairy man swimming with kids.
normal kids don't want to read books like this^
That is absolutely disgusting.
yeah the pictures inside are so creepy.
had to hide it after that first year, didn't want to subject more kids to it.
Wow in our fucking faces now! Truly disgusting, and another reason for me to never go to ChinaMart again!