What’s the plan? I already don’t watch tv - how else can we dismantle the media? As the propaganda arm of the left we need to shut it down - thoughts?
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Sorry but millennials are by far the most brainwashed generation.
It's true. We are. The toxicity of millennials is not conducive to awakening very easily. We share, condemn and ostracize each other for going against the narrative. And for those like myself who are adamant non-conformists, the social cost is high.
If I wasn't as comfortable and secure with myself at this point in life, I would have gone back to sleep right after the first wave of heat and criticism I received after announcing on Facebook that I was going to vote for Donald Trump.
I think you are right. My generation grew up on newspapers, and many of us dumped newspapers as a source of reliable news in the 80's and 90's. We were more than ready for the internet. My best news source for about 10 years, starting in the late 90's, was an automotive hobbyist web site. There were people from everywhere across the country, and a couple dozen around the world, posting on there daily. When news happened, it was surprising how often someone on the ground posted pictures and very different viewpoint of what was happening compared to MSM. Guess who was more accurate?
I forgot to add that the site was bought out ~15 years ago by corporate media, and that was the end of it as far as I was concerned.
This is all about the media right now. Every day the absolutely surreal goes on with the insane Bidan administration that they continue to report that “all is fine”, is another nail in their coffin of total lies.
IMO The media will collapse under the weight of it's own lies whenever declas happens. The NPCs will burn, loot, and murder over nothing, imagine what they'll do to the people who have been lying to them about child rape for years.
Correction...those who pay the media
The plan is working my friend, even hard core normies are starting to see through it. Hold the line.
We are already winning - my 93 year old mom stopped watching ALL news programs after I repeatedly told her it was all lies. And after watching Biden's speech? She told her aide that "my daughter was right - that isn't Biden." Believe me, if she's redpilled and redpilling others at age 93, we're already winning.
I’m not allowed to speak my thoughts about that on this board.