Herd no mask immunity!!! Enough people refusing to wear them will make others more comfortable not wearing them (for fear of being ostracized). I mean look how many people wear it under their nose and incorrectly! They might as well not wear it if that’s the case
Bigger stores are easy. Before I go in, I say to myself the lines I need to say if some mask nazi tells me I should put on my mask. And if it comes down to it, I’ll put the mask on... over my head... technically I’m wearing a mask ???
You know, most people actually DONT NOTICE that you’re not wearing one unless they’re actively looking for/noticing it!
I actually told another guy (who wasn’t wearing his mask) and after a took mine that he was setting a good example and I praise him for doing so, he actually freaked out and quickly put his mask on! Weird... but hey, whatever
When I used to go out without a mask and I used to notice the others without mask would avoid eye contact with anyone, kinda just walk of as fast as they can.
Nowadays though, we all give each other these subtle nods lol
I hate it around here I had to fly out last week to pick up a rig and bring it back and everybody was waring the face diapers and every time I took mine off on the plane they said put it on or I will be in violation of federal law.
So I pulled it down under my chin and only pulled it up while the flight attendant was looking.
I wouldnt have even done that but I cant get arrested while working lol. Bad for business.
We are in Florida on vacation right now. The state doesn’t have a mandate for masks at all. The thing that worries me is that every business does. Every one of them. We walk around with no masks on, but the second we walk into a business they scream put your masks on.
Just know that they can scream all they want (and maybe kick you out) but you cannot be arrested or anything for going into their establishment without the mask
She was in her early 50’s... I mean, unless I was looking for a cougar than sure lol. She most likely was a patriot, but I think she was more excited to see someone else not wearing one
On your way out you should’ve said “I was intending on purchasing a few kilos... (and show him the cash) your loss” his reaction would’ve probably been even more priceless
I feel sorry for youngsters looking to date. They find this person in mask who looks lovely, but finally when the mask comes out ... they might want to scream and run!
Herd no mask immunity!!! Enough people refusing to wear them will make others more comfortable not wearing them (for fear of being ostracized). I mean look how many people wear it under their nose and incorrectly! They might as well not wear it if that’s the case
I been hoping others would see me and take thiers off,but they dont.
I go into small stores and stuff maskless.been doing it all year.
I wint try the bigger stores alone. Too many people in one place and me being unarmed doesnt make a good idea around here.
Bigger stores are easy. Before I go in, I say to myself the lines I need to say if some mask nazi tells me I should put on my mask. And if it comes down to it, I’ll put the mask on... over my head... technically I’m wearing a mask ???
You know, most people actually DONT NOTICE that you’re not wearing one unless they’re actively looking for/noticing it!
I actually told another guy (who wasn’t wearing his mask) and after a took mine that he was setting a good example and I praise him for doing so, he actually freaked out and quickly put his mask on! Weird... but hey, whatever
Maybe he thought you were being sarcastic? Who knows?
How? I had my mask off... and I said it sincerely and backed up my statement after he put it on
I went into the Allen TX Cabelas this evening and 75% of the customers were mask free. It was beautiful!
I think this everytime I see someone in a public setting not wearing a mask or also sporting anything USA flag. Demonrats don't rep the flag
When I used to go out without a mask and I used to notice the others without mask would avoid eye contact with anyone, kinda just walk of as fast as they can.
Nowadays though, we all give each other these subtle nods lol
Hah! Yes! I might just start saluting the others bc they are getting very rare around here.
I hi-five others in stores when I see it.
And how would you discretely not wear a mask?
I hate it around here I had to fly out last week to pick up a rig and bring it back and everybody was waring the face diapers and every time I took mine off on the plane they said put it on or I will be in violation of federal law.
So I pulled it down under my chin and only pulled it up while the flight attendant was looking.
I wouldnt have even done that but I cant get arrested while working lol. Bad for business.
We are in Florida on vacation right now. The state doesn’t have a mandate for masks at all. The thing that worries me is that every business does. Every one of them. We walk around with no masks on, but the second we walk into a business they scream put your masks on.
Just know that they can scream all they want (and maybe kick you out) but you cannot be arrested or anything for going into their establishment without the mask
The other individual actually gave me a huge smile when made eye contact! Maybe she was flirting??? ????
Yeah, maybe she's a patriot who might be interested in meeting nice, manly patriot. Watch for her next time you go. If she's single, that is. :D
She was in her early 50’s... I mean, unless I was looking for a cougar than sure lol. She most likely was a patriot, but I think she was more excited to see someone else not wearing one
On your way out you should’ve said “I was intending on purchasing a few kilos... (and show him the cash) your loss” his reaction would’ve probably been even more priceless
I feel sorry for youngsters looking to date. They find this person in mask who looks lovely, but finally when the mask comes out ... they might want to scream and run!
Especially with all the sores the mask has caused!! :O
And messing peoples ears up as well