These photos and pictures location are VERY odd and considered random until they aren’t.
Photo 1: Trumps respect for the Military to do it’s job as planned.
Photo 2: Trump leaving office which had to be done.
Photo 3: NK meeting which today it was revealed NK wouldn’t speak with Biden?
Photo 4: Maybe something with the queen is soon to drop?
Photo 5: Can’t see it yet?
Photo 6: Trump is back?
It’s just odd photos and photo location to take with someone, again unless it’s not supposed to be?
photo 5 is AF1... and Trump has the new AF1 right in front of him. Maybe he's saying not to worry about the crusty ole UN bird... He has the new big boi...
I used to live in Palm Beach County and could easily drive by the airport and see when AF1 was there. Many ppl could park and get up to the fence and get pics with it in the background. Wonder if anyone reading lives close enough to do drive-by’s of the airport and check out any planes there. Even military planes.
IIRC, he negotiated the deal for two of them to be made for the price of one. The projected delivery of it was 2024 ish or something like they, but I am sure they could have made this their sole project and finished way ahead of schedule.
Did some digging. New ones are (modified, obviously) Boeing 747-8's. Current AF1 is a (modified) 747-200B.
747-8 has been in production since November 2005.
Boeing's website does not specify a completion date, just that the 200B's will be replaced by 8's.
Given their existing production line, I could really quite easily see an existing 747-8 getting the necessary modifications in significantly less time than ~3-4 years.
As an interesting side note, while I don't believe it is significant, the website features comparisons, with one of them being range - the 200B's can travel from DC to Tokyo, whilst the 8's can travel DC to Hong Kong.
I do think that we may be on to something, though; all these pics with that in the forefront, and people were saying something about Dan Scavino posting pics of/with it?
POTUS will be well insulated/protected on AF1 and abroad (specific locations classified) while these operations are conducted due to the nature of the entrenchment. It is time to take back our country and make America great again. Let us salute and pray for the brave men and women in uniform who will undertake this assignment to bring forth peace, unity, and return power to the people.
It is our hope that this message reaches enough people to make a meaningful impact. We cannot yet telegraph this message through normal methods for reasons I’m sure everyone here can understand. Follow the questions from the previous thread(s) and remain calm, the primary targets are within DC and remain at the top (on both sides). The spill over in the streets will be quickly shut down. Look for more false flags – stay alert, be vigilant, and above all, please pray.
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Love is patient, love is kind.”
God bless my fellow Americans.
Could this be translated to him being on AF1 with him in front of (on top of) the photo of AF1?
Not just that, they are bringing in an outside team to investigate MEGHAN bullying the royal staff. This is after they conducted an internal investigation already. I think this might've been a big motivation for those two to do the Oprah interview, distraction and projection.
These photos and pictures location are VERY odd and considered random until they aren’t.
Photo 1: Trumps respect for the Military to do it’s job as planned. Photo 2: Trump leaving office which had to be done. Photo 3: NK meeting which today it was revealed NK wouldn’t speak with Biden? Photo 4: Maybe something with the queen is soon to drop? Photo 5: Can’t see it yet? Photo 6: Trump is back?
It’s just odd photos and photo location to take with someone, again unless it’s not supposed to be?
photo 5 is AF1... and Trump has the new AF1 right in front of him. Maybe he's saying not to worry about the crusty ole UN bird... He has the new big boi...
That's a really interesting thought - IIRC it was scheduled to be made, but what if it's already here and he's got it; the other one being a "dud"?
I used to live in Palm Beach County and could easily drive by the airport and see when AF1 was there. Many ppl could park and get up to the fence and get pics with it in the background. Wonder if anyone reading lives close enough to do drive-by’s of the airport and check out any planes there. Even military planes.
Surely if it were so important they'd have a more secret facility for it though?
Would be really interesting to see if we can get some Florida pedes on it either way though!
IIRC, he negotiated the deal for two of them to be made for the price of one. The projected delivery of it was 2024 ish or something like they, but I am sure they could have made this their sole project and finished way ahead of schedule.
Did some digging. New ones are (modified, obviously) Boeing 747-8's. Current AF1 is a (modified) 747-200B.
747-8 has been in production since November 2005.
Boeing's website does not specify a completion date, just that the 200B's will be replaced by 8's.
Given their existing production line, I could really quite easily see an existing 747-8 getting the necessary modifications in significantly less time than ~3-4 years.
As an interesting side note, while I don't believe it is significant, the website features comparisons, with one of them being range - the 200B's can travel from DC to Tokyo, whilst the 8's can travel DC to Hong Kong.
You can read more about the plane here.
I do think that we may be on to something, though; all these pics with that in the forefront, and people were saying something about Dan Scavino posting pics of/with it?
Q 35...
Could this be translated to him being on AF1 with him in front of (on top of) the photo of AF1?
That could be a very strong possibility..
Seeing that beautiful Red White and Blue machine touch down and him stepping out dancing to the YMCA would be the most beautiful sight ever!!!
Something with queen is happening now. Harry and Meg all that stuff going down currently.
Yeah, they’re bringing in outside council to investigate Meghan’s claims of racism and all that
Not just that, they are bringing in an outside team to investigate MEGHAN bullying the royal staff. This is after they conducted an internal investigation already. I think this might've been a big motivation for those two to do the Oprah interview, distraction and projection.
Don’t they just SUCK-AZZ?!!!
Prince Philip aged 99 has been in hospital for several weeks now.
Got the chrome-drip 24/7 keeping that black heart ticking.
I've been suspecting he is getting demented, for about a year now since they took away the car keys.
Got it, so now watch out for news from britain
It’s already been reported :)
Yeah it’s all very out of place, I mean he hates the queen lol
Photo 5 is Air Force One.