Some of these theories are sourced from other thoughtful posts and some are my takes on the situation. It could be a different combination of these options but I think all of these are possible scenarios that make sense and want to get the opinion of the wider community:
Theory 1: Trump made them pull the Covid false flag out of their hat before they were ready wanted and took credit for the vax while he was still president knowing that the dems were going to use the vax as leverage to "Hold it over us" for years and launder TONS of money while shutting down the economy even worse
Theory 2: He knows the vax is not as bad as people are saying (The mind is a powerful thing and the placebo effect is well documented). I genuinely hope it is not as bad as it appears but who knows...
Theory 3: He knows his base well enough to know that most of them wont take the vax and it will mainly affect the political left in the long run....Machiavellian for sure but a possibility. After all this discredits the dem we are brainwashed and obsessed with Trump but wont listen to his vax advice? Hows that work? kek
Theory 4: Trump is not as informed on certain issues as we think. Not likely but maybe he genuinely did not have as much of a back up plan as we were led to believe (Again, I dont think this is the case, but there is a small chance). After all no one is an expert in everything and the experts around Trump were definitely DS if he did give them some credibility
Theory 5: Trump is exposing something much larger knowing that in order to maintain cover he has to do what the normies would want and wake them up with all the horrible side effects while also exposing the corruption of big pharma. dark but maybe a necessary evil
After all we are talking about saving the entire world from an ancient satanic cult...not everyone is going to make it in the process and sometimes cold calculation has to be used in warfare.
Combination of #1 and #5.
None of the above. No theory gives a positive spin knowing what we know about the origins of the plandemic on Trump pushing the VAX. There better be a damn good reason we don't yet know about. This issue (along with the biggest bubble in history that he promoted) are my two biggest issues with Trump.
I get it man. Unless there is a huge end game I will also add the fact he should have shut down censorship ages ago. I still think there is a plan but even if there is it makes me nervous that they didn't slap down Big Tech 1000x when they could have easily. Im not a lawyer and that would have been the easiest anti trust case in US history
My thought is that the "vaccine" is likely every bit as dangerous as the many uncorrupted doctors (and **real **scientists) have said it is, but that, possibly, something like HCQ/zinc/quercetin can still be used as a treatment to keep people from dying of whatever they are afflicted with. The zinc in our cells keeps the virus from replicating. HCQ or quercetin puts the zinc into the cells where it belongs. Even if the "vaccine" hides the virus, or triggers an over-reaction from the immune system. The immune system response (cytokine storm) is what wound up being so deadly early on, and ventilating the patients was the wrong thing to do. They couldn't get oxygen in....forcing it on them didn't work, their oxygen transfer mechanism into the cells was shut down.
Hindsight is always 20/20.
I don't know what the "vaccine" is going to do. I don't know how true any of the mechanisms I've read about over the last year are, or who is right. But in my opinion, taking that "vaccine" before you have at least some idea of what the long term effects are going to be is a death wish. I won't be taking it.
There are other therapies that might also be useful against the virus. Light, frequency, and supplement therapies that build our natural immune systems up. If I know about them, Trump's people knew about them. The information is available on the internet, or was, until this whole censorship garbage kicked into high gear.
I've got family members who lined up to take that jab despite my attempts to convince them not to. So I hope there's a "second chance for idiots" plan. It's all I've got, and I refuse to succumb to the despair the dark side is peddling. They haven't been truthful once. Why should I believe them now?
I think the same as you, I think that's why the US has a stock of HCQ. I'm telling everyone I know who has had the vaccines to keep their C. D and zinc levels up.
Good points. And to be fair Trump almost always touted genetic therapy type solutions too when he talked about the vaccine
Maybe #4....the “experts” told him the vaccine was safe, and GEOTUS wants the country to get through this....
Um....I meant #4.....
Ok...your #4 doesn’t say I am done with this exercise, have fun.
Yeah I dont think Trump is dark enough to play their own game and I think he knows not trust any medical establishment
I strongly believe this was a deep fake. They're trying to use this deep fake pro-vax to manipulate us.
Why, do we have to carry around a card to prove we've gotten that awful vaccine? Is it some type of control card?
They can threaten shoot me or put in me in jail and still will refuse to have it.
Anything's possible but I can't believe that Trump wouldn't be educated on vaccines and all the studies we've all been able to many times as he's acknowledged infowars, OANN, newsmax, etc., I have a hard time believing Trump wouldn't be up to speed on all the issues that are discussed here...he "plays dumb" on purpose for sure, but there's no way Trump would actually get behind the vaccines knowing he's beaten the virus without one (just like Melania and Barron did), and knowing he's publicly supported therapeutics (like the cocktail he took) the entire time.
I think he knows that the followers of God that are conservative aren’t going to take anything that separates us from “His image” in which we were created all the while knowing that the “orange man bad” people are so misguided that they have to be child psycologied into leaning the other way,,,its either that or that wasn’t really his voice...
<Morpheus> "What if I told you that Trump was control-filed?"
He's the protagonist of the movie.
I’ve been wondering if the vaccines are part of the equation in that some are harmful but some benign? Why the media push back about the Astra Zeneca one? Apparently that is an actual vaccine rather than a mRNA concoction? Is it basically a crapshoot as to some will take people out whereas others may not?
His opinion /statements regarding the "Vaccines " are irrelevant to me as neither my wife or myself would take the killer jabs no matter who endorsed them as being safe. But there are many on the fence who Will be pressured by family and friends or coworkers to take the jabs and Will use Trump's endorsement tonight and might now take it to avoid the pressure. If 100 or more of these vulnerable undecideds take it and suffer horrible side effects and die from it then Know Trump will be labeled a mass murderer by the msm. As far as the swamp is concerned, sacrificing the vaccine safety argument would be worth it if Trump is charged with manslaughter or whatever else the swamp wants to throw onto him.
Valid point. He always mentions alternative therapies when he low key endorses the vax