This is going to Red Pill the fuck out of people. We need to blast the meme cannons big time pedes. Every conservative needs to be loud as fuck about this. The people of Florida elected her. Pelosi didn't hire her. Pelosi can't fire her. I don't know if people know this but Pelosi ain't the damn boss. At most she's the MC for the lamest political party of the century. The American people are the boss not her.
This is going to Red Pill the fuck out of people. We need to blast the meme cannons big time pedes. Every conservative needs to be loud as fuck about this. The people of Florida elected her. Pelosi didn't hire her. Pelosi can't fire her. I don't know if people know this but Pelosi ain't the damn boss. At most she's the MC for the lamest political party of the century. The American people are the boss not her.