ICP Talks About a Satanic Cult trying to Recruit Villain Ice
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I have The Amazing Jeckel Brothers on my Spotify (only album of theirs I have) it still rocks.
In the Jack and Jackle Brothers on Track 16 there is a hidden message in reverse that says " Fuck the Devil Fuck that shit, we believe in god legit. At that point i new Shangrila = heaven
"Major greeting You're keeper of wickedry The path to Shangrila Is missled by he Missled by you He is of your negativity He is of your hate Meet the other half of the jugglin' duo That is your soul The amazing Jack Jeckel, Jeckel"
The truth is on there 17th track https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQdl7KZ4EuE
I can picture the memes right now
Oh yes
Suburban mother, God fearing, my pillow sleeping, goya bean loving, Qtard juggulette here to represent
Yeah Ill work on the meme
That’s me! ?
I imagine we will soon be the coolest kids in school tbh
vanilla ice * Auto Correct got me
Wicked clown love ninja’s!
The Juggalo army is the only way
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2Zj8BScukU They Cant Touch Us.
I think you’re on to something... I am appointing you head of the icp research team. Woop woop muh juggalo
Been down since day 1, Its Day 2 I guess I got some plunking to do.
Who kicked willy bubbas ass? I did i did!??
Fuckin' vaccines, how do they work? lOL
Never guessed Vanilla'd be a white hat
Not hating on him, I just remember our impression of him when he came out in the 90s is all
I still crank ice ice baby when it comes on.??
NGL, I do also
Alright stop, collaborate and listen
What about havin a roni?
I thought V Ice was broke as hell. I even saw a documentary about it.