posted ago by PopcornTastesGood ago by PopcornTastesGood +76 / -1

We are currently moving from a red state, to a redder state lol, anyways my current state, while being red and my county very red, still have nearly everyone wearing masks. Our stores for the most part do not even care as our sheriff said he will not enforce the mandate, and yet people still wear them! I pretty much only wore a mask at the hospital for the birth of my child as I couldn't miss that obviously, but other than that I never wear them. Anyways, people always look at weird and Karen's always have a "are you serious" when they see me without a mask. I am quite a confrontational person, but I just ignore it all because I truly feel sorry for these people. So, today my wife and I were down checking out the neighborhood where we are moving and met up with our realtor. She is from the area and knows my stance on current events, so she offered to take us to lunch. We walk into the bar and grill and literally no one, not one person was wearing a mask. It was the most beautiful sight I have seen in months! Our server did walk up with a mask at first, but then removed it once she seen we didn't care. She stood close and looked at the menu with me when I asked a question, sounds stupid but its these types of interactions people are afraid of now and it made things feel normal again!! The bartender ended up taking our table and also had no mask. The best part, there were a few cops having lunch watching bball with friends not at all saying anything about masks. Frens, it was so fucking normal, it felt so damn good.

Shortly after lunch, we had to go to get some appliances for the new house,, so went to a big store. As normal my wife and I walk in with no masks and not one person gave us dirty looks, even if they were wearing a mask! The salesman that helped said the only reason he wore one was because the company made him and even shook my hand! We seen at least 15 other people not wearing masks and it was so different not to either be harassed or looked down upon. Truly glorious my fellow pedes!

Overall, my point is people really are waking up, some more than others in different places. I seriously couldn't believe how different the atmosphere was and it truly made us happy shopping and going out for the first time in over a year!! I just had to share this because this was probably the best day I have had in so damn long, despite the money spent on the appliances ??. But seriously, so glad we decided to move, it feels nice to be treated like a human again without wearing a mask. I know not exactly ground breaking, but for us it was a small miracle we found such a great place to move! God really blessed us getting this house in this market, and I cannot wait to get back to a normal life interacting with people! Alittle long sorry for that but we are winning pedes!!! WWG1WGA