I dunno what TPB is either. I'm in Japan. All I know is that JustInformed Talk was a consultant for this documentary and he said that he believes it will try to be fair. They even got Codemonkey to do an interview. I expect they'll have Somner and Travis in it to poo on Q, but the director will try to get both sides and represent it fairly.
Is there a link for people living outside the States. Not sue what TPB is sorry :).
I dunno what TPB is either. I'm in Japan. All I know is that JustInformed Talk was a consultant for this documentary and he said that he believes it will try to be fair. They even got Codemonkey to do an interview. I expect they'll have Somner and Travis in it to poo on Q, but the director will try to get both sides and represent it fairly.
More red pills than any hit piece to date
Should anyone bother to watch?
well according to some i follow on telegram, google searchs are up
Meh. I will watch I expect. But I will weigh it against what I know from direct personal research. Posobec's BS was skimmed over in my opinion.
Propaganda...study the Warner Media money tree and its mini-cabal puppets (Zucker, etc.). Infotainment at best.
you havent watched it and its obvious