My favorite candy is Dove dark chocolates. If you're not aware, the wrappers they come in have little sayings inside. Well, I've eaten these for years and haven't read those little wrappers for over a year or more until last night. Why? I don't know but something told me to read the wrapper as I went to throw it in the garbage. It was a strong feeling so I couldn't resist to see what the wrapper said. It stated: "Everyone has a happy ending. If you're not happy, it's not the end." I was surprised and found it fitting for our current times :).
On another note, in January, my 4 year old grandson out of the blue stated: "You know why people don't want Biden as president?" Parents: "Why?" Grandson: " Because he wants to steal peoples souls." My daughter and son-in-law were shocked and surprised to hear this. They have never said anything to him or talked about Biden in any context to what he had stated. We discussed who he could have heard this from. Asked other family members, grandparents mainly because that is who he is around the most and none of us had. The context of his statement is bewildering and yet true as we all know.
While we are looking at the big picture, keep your eyes and ears open for the little messages given to us on any given day. :)
Ahh to be young and still being able to perceive through the veil.
You should engage with him and say something like "Wow, thats very interesting. How did you know this?" and see what he says
They asked him where he had heard that. He said 'Mom said it'. My daughter was shocked as she had never stated anything like that. She corrected him and told him she had not. I also can attest that my daughter would never state anything like that in those words and she is very particular to what is said in front of the kids. So whether he had dreamt it or whatever but we are still not sure how it came about. For reference, he is a very smart kid for his age and this isn't the first time he has bewildered us with his knowledge and or statements. At 2 he was aware of many different types of colors and also shapes (like cyan, hexagon etc) not your basic colors/shapes at that age, that even I had to look up to see if he was correct lol.
There is another explanation. Your daughter might have thought about it (involuntarily) and he might have been able to hear her thoughts.
Some folks have grandma always called it a "shine."
Hmm never thought about it that way.
The innocence of babes. Even kids know when a spiritual battle is happening.
I'm gonna use the title the next time someone comments on the size of my... well, you know.
Does he watch YouTube? Or TV in general.. I always wonder about subliminal messaging in those things.
Not YT. He does watch your typical cartoons etc for his age but not to the extreme. The kids are outside any chance they get... more than your typical kids these days. It was just odd the exact choice of words he used and how there is so much truth behind that one sentence.
Raping children steals their souls so he is right
Not everyone has a happy ending. Fact! Dove chocolate is lying to you! Christ said that Narrow is the way to heaven. The path to hell is wide. Unfortunately there will be many there, they will still turn their back on the Lord, even the last seven years on earth during the tribulation people will dig their heels in and deny Christ. Saying that everyone gets a happy ending, it’s like saying everybody gets a participation trophy. Heaven and hell are both real places. I will continue to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, so that less people go to hell. The label that you read, reminds me of a book somebody just wrote near me. It says that everybody will eventually go to heaven. That’s the biggest lie ever!
"Not everyone has a happy ending" I suppose it depends on who is giving the massage.
What are you referencing in stating Jesus saying Nero was the way to heaven?
It’s supposed to say narrow but I have Siri
Lol, oh yeah, makes much more sense
I didn't perceive 'ending' as meaning death. You took the whole post in a different direction.
Oh ok. Well forgive me then. I’ve just been studying a lot about life and death lately. To me it’s never too late until it’s too late. That’s when somebody dies that’s when it’s the end. And believe me, I know that!
My husband died at the age of 30. Out of the blue, no explanation. That was not a happy ending! Thank God he knew Jesus though, at least I will see him again in heaven. But I’ve had a lot of not happy endings in my life. I’m just wanted to make sure people knew ... never mind.
God bless you have a great day
oh so we weren't talking about my dick :(