It’s so funny, when I heard Evergreen, I thought about that workshop/conference that was held up in the Coast Guard Headquarters building for project Evergreen. What a coinky dinky....
Ok, if it all now makes sense to you, please do share with the rest of us.?
Because the document that I see at that link is a bizarre jumbled mess, for which the Coast Guard should be completely embarrassed, and it starts off like this:
Low: Rapid Failure. The most extreme predictions of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change came to fruition and exceeded efforts to adapt. Sea levels rose, and the frequency of super-storms increased. Adaptation has been ineffective. Global governments are struggling to keep pace with rapid environmental change.
Sorry, but searching for “Evergreen” and thinking that any mention of that word at a .mil address is some secret that explains everything is incredibly unserious.
But hey, please tell me how I’m wrong. Tell me what the coded message is in this. ?
“D*****! That’s twice! I want some butts!!” The driver had swerved valiantly to avoid a pothole, but slammed into another. Walt’s shirt was now soaked in scalding coffee. He regularly resorted to classic movie lines when upset.
“I wish I had a butt.” Abilio’s tailbone ached.
“I could use a whole new spine.” Phil grimaced in pain. The van ploughed through yet another one of I-20’s legendary potholes. The pavement was veritable Swiss cheese. Abilio glanced at Phil.
“Speaking of which, any luck on that front?”
“Not so much. The usual red tape and excuses.” Phil had dealt with back problems for years. He had yet to convince an insurance company to pay for surgery. He certainly wouldn’t be able to bankroll it.
“Why are you here? Didn’t you reinjure yourself last trip?”
“Yeah. I usually do. Can’t afford to stay home.” As Phil pulled out his trusty bottle of painkillers, Walt ripped off his shirt, stuffed it in his backpack, and pulled out a clean one.
“And I can’t afford new shirts every trip.”
“But you can obviously afford a new tat every trip!” The snide comment came from somewhere in the back of the van. Walt turned around and glared at everyone.
“Hey, it’s my culture, okay?!”
“So, your culture is Pacific Islander slash drunk sailor slash cartoon enthusiast slash inmate?”
“Shut up. I hate all of you.” Abilio reviewed his news app. As usual, the news was generally bad. The Army Corps had finally given up on keeping New Orleans dry. The sections below sea level were inundated, and no more could be done. According to one report, bull sharks had checked into some nice hotels, and were doing what people should have been doing in those nice hotels. New York’s subway system was likely to be the next loss. Phil glanced at the screen.
“Why do you do that to yourself?” “I like to know what’s going on.”
“I can tell you what’s going on. Uncle Sugar is screwing us over at every opportunity. And the world is losing its mind.”
Tldr eli5 version
Skip the fanfic.
Yeah seems like some kind of coast guard fanfic.
Read past that. It lays out the EXACT scenario we are seeing the Dems pull right now.
Where, exactly?
The part about Abilio wishing he had a butt seemed to be pretty much the most credible part of that whole document.
What are we missing?
Page 8
Dimensions and onward.
2015 - "They never thought she would lose!"
Skip to the dimensions section. Page 8
I read it.
What the beep on that page remotely contributes to “it all making sense”?
This paper appears to be a jaw-dropping pile of garbage, start to finish.
No offense.
I’m just trying to save other people from wading through this sewage all because you “BOOM”ed and exclaimed “It all makes sense”
Can you please quote anything insightful from this paper?
Really!? You don't get it?
Do you not see that HRC wasn't supposed to lose!?
EVERGREEN was her code name?!
They had it all laid out in 2015, even coaching the Coast Guard and others on the EXACT scenario that would have occurred!
Come on, it isn't that hard to figure out...
They were gonna flood the world with weather weapons!
It’s so funny, when I heard Evergreen, I thought about that workshop/conference that was held up in the Coast Guard Headquarters building for project Evergreen. What a coinky dinky....
Ok, if it all now makes sense to you, please do share with the rest of us.?
Because the document that I see at that link is a bizarre jumbled mess, for which the Coast Guard should be completely embarrassed, and it starts off like this:
Sorry, but searching for “Evergreen” and thinking that any mention of that word at a .mil address is some secret that explains everything is incredibly unserious.
But hey, please tell me how I’m wrong. Tell me what the coded message is in this. ?
Damnit, skip the fanfic. Go to the scenario. Here is a compact version
edit: nevermind, that's just the layout.
Skip to page 8 on original link.
Screw it, I'm trying again. I guess I have to put PAGE 8 and on in big letters and spell it all out...