START ON PAGE 8 - The fanfic is there to obscure the real info.
HRC wasn't supposed to lose!?
EVERGREEN was her code name?!
The Cabal had it all laid out in 2015, even coaching the Coast Guard and others on the EXACT scenario that would have occurred!
They were gonna flood the world with weather weapons and blame it on Climate Change.
"When do you call a plumber?" - Q
When there is a leak!
Someone leaked their game-plan. This is it. The leaker put a stupid fanfic at the start to make sure anyone reading it would check out after the "butts" and not see the real important info. It even worked on here on my original post! No one bothered to read ahead...
Use your heads guys, this is it!
Edit: Here is a synopsis of the Coast Guard workshops and why this exists:
Look at all these past scenarios!
The chemicals [they]'re spraying clears up over time. And with HAARP, they can screw with the intensity of the weather patterns as [they] see fit. So, [they] spray the shit out of the sky, direct HAARP at certain areas, certain times of the year, and do whatever [they] want to us, and then clean up the skies and surface after. And [they] can accomplish this all from the safety of [their] DUMBs.
Have any of you noticed how much the spraying has increased? I live in Central Fl, was at Ponce Inlet in Volusia County today, and literally watched the planes, some of them the same ones, criss cross the sky all spraying shit out their asses. This started around noon and continued until about 3-3:30 pm. They only stopped spraying once the sky became cloudy. And it was already hazy from all the other spraying they've been doing. I've watched the spraying increase, which began right after the election, until now. Last I counted the chemtrails, was about a week ago. I stopped at 70. And there were more, coming in from all directions. S ema m d like every plane in the sky that day was spraying something.
Start watching the skies, folks. You'll see what I'm talking about.
Thanks Suckafree.
I'm in the UK. We don't have clear skies as a rule so it's hard to see anything like chemtrails.
Who are the pilots of the chemtrail planes?