I just watched the first two episodes. I honestly am not sure what to think. It’s HBO so I feel like I’m just waiting for them to bring the hammer down. I feel like they were making Ron and his dad seem a little…(not normal). I would sincerely like to how you guys feel about it.
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It's total spin. The guy, as usual, is completely misrepresenting Q and anons in all forms typical of the MSM. Once I saw Jared Holt's retarded face I knew I wasn't watching past the first episode.
Praying Medic made it a bit further than I could: https://prayingmedic.com/2021/03/24/q-into-the-storm-a-review-of-hbos-documentary/
Yeah this is how I perceived it, couldn't get past 20 minutes.
WE bring the hammer down. There is Q and there is anon. There is no Qanon.
Juries out but I'm hopeful it might wind up being a big red pill as it unrolls. Cullen Hoback actually has a track record of making some films that somewhat show the bad side of government. I think he is trying to walk in the middle these first two episodes. That Daily beast shill obviously sucks, but Hoback is showing the Q people as reasonable and he doesn't seem to fully blow off what the Q people are looking out for.
We want it to be proQ, but its not and it clearly isn't antiQ. At one point he showed his phone to Jim watkins and said " Have you read the Q posts, there's just under 5000 of them?" Watkins says "No have you?" and Hoback says "Yes, I've read them all."
I don't think this is a drive-by hitpiece.
I thought it would be, but I am cautiously optimistic.
Why would I watch anything on HBO??
i was not impressed. wish i hadn't wasted my time and won't be recommending it to any normies
1st episode was a red pill, not even that covert imo, made me feel good
Cancelled HBO a decade ago. Shrug
I wish I had a higher quality post, but I just cannot seem to watch it. I made it about 20 minutes in twice, and there is just something about it that makes me want to turn it off. I think its the narration, no matter what anyone says, it seemed to me like he had something negative or contradicting to say. Maybe I went in with the preconceived notion it was going to be a hit piece, and just cannot seem to shake it. I am going to save this though, because I am curious what others think.
I found the first two episodes on Bitchute. I like how it wasn't entirely anti-Q, but it's not really pro-Q either. No real substance to anything from Q so far, but the first episode was just giving some background to the movement itself (not so much about Q) and the second episode was about Jim and Ron. That episode was rather informative about 8chan/8kun at the very least.
I wrote this post after watching the first two. I watched episode 3 last night and now feel like it is completely anti Q. The third episode is almost totally about casting doubt on Q by making it seem like either Ron or his father created Q to increase traffic on their site.
Bitchute removed the first two episodes, so I cannot expect to see any further episodes there. I guess we shouldn't be surprised that this "documentary" would try to pass Q off as just the imagination of the Watkins' as it is HBO after all, home to NPC talkshows like Bill Maher and John Oliver.
it was alright so far. 4 episodes left still. the guy who made it was a customer of comet ping pong.
I don't know if that's true. The daily beast shill guy was. I don't know of Hoback has ever been there