True, for the most part. I, for myself, can testity that, even though I have lost «faith» in the traditional part of the christian belief itself, I now find myself having more faith than ever before, because my spiritual understanding has deepened and my heart is opening up more than ever. My connection to life is flourishing.
Sorry to intrude but isn't the Catholic church supposed be be based upon Christianity?
I might not know any Christian mass murderers, but I heard plenty about those pedovores running the show over there near Rome
Ngl. The Catholic Church was never really supposed to exist. I don't recall the Bible saying anything about praying to Saints. These Saints are practically worshipped like False Idols.
The Bible does not cause evil acts, death, or suffering. That is like people saying "qanon" causes violent extremism, misinformation, and conspiracy theories,and then quoting other peoples versions of Q, and not reading with understanding the words of Q.
A lot has been done in God's name, that is not right. His Word has not been represented well by some, but so much good has been done in His name too, and acts of courage and strength.
The constitution makes no establisment of religion. So you are free to worship or not as you see fit.
For some people, the problem is that this morality and righteousness is not based on reality or something evidence-based.
Yes, for the most part, Christianity does nurture good behavior and is the foundation of the good western values. However, the motives for these behaviors and values is not based on anything tangible.
GABs vision is state-sponsored Christianity unfortunately.
And the problem? Christianity breeds Moral and Righteous People.
Ever seen a Religious Christian Mass Murderer?
True, for the most part. I, for myself, can testity that, even though I have lost «faith» in the traditional part of the christian belief itself, I now find myself having more faith than ever before, because my spiritual understanding has deepened and my heart is opening up more than ever. My connection to life is flourishing.
I love the snack bar!
Sorry to intrude but isn't the Catholic church supposed be be based upon Christianity? I might not know any Christian mass murderers, but I heard plenty about those pedovores running the show over there near Rome
Ngl. The Catholic Church was never really supposed to exist. I don't recall the Bible saying anything about praying to Saints. These Saints are practically worshipped like False Idols.
The Bible does not cause evil acts, death, or suffering. That is like people saying "qanon" causes violent extremism, misinformation, and conspiracy theories,and then quoting other peoples versions of Q, and not reading with understanding the words of Q.
A lot has been done in God's name, that is not right. His Word has not been represented well by some, but so much good has been done in His name too, and acts of courage and strength.
The constitution makes no establisment of religion. So you are free to worship or not as you see fit.
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
Just because you say "facts" doesn't make it so.
The death and suffering is more due to Christians being manipulated by the evil ones.
For some people, the problem is that this morality and righteousness is not based on reality or something evidence-based.
Yes, for the most part, Christianity does nurture good behavior and is the foundation of the good western values. However, the motives for these behaviors and values is not based on anything tangible.
The Christian behaviors and values are based in Jesus.
I think God saying it is more than tangible.
How so? The fear of punishment for eternity in Hell provides marvelous results.