We've known this for a year. I'm glad the the truth is finally seeping out, but I'm still angry as f*ck that the WHOLE story isn't being told. I want to see Fauci swing...
No kidding. Not a single Virologist, Biologist, Scientist, ANYONE, has bothered to use the technology we have to actually study the VIRUS itself. All we’ve done is observe the symptoms, transmission, and other bullshit that only tells us what other Viruses Covid RESEMBLES. What about finding out what Covid actually IS!?
It’s because if they did this, they would realize or expose that it’s entirely man made and is being used for the most nefarious of purposes only.
You guys realize how much we know LONG before everyone else does?! We knew this a year ago. Normies didn’t believe us because there was so much disinformation going around. But we knew.
Man, this really sums up how I felt watching Joe Rogan the other day saying "yeah but when the virus first came out we thought it was going to have a 3.2% death rate.."
"We"? Speak for yourself, shill!
HIV hasn’t been isolated in a meaningful way. The processes that have allegedly isolated HIV break all seven postulates of virology. The virus that causes AIDS is probably a mycroplasma, not HIV. Fauci had 40 years and all the money in the world to find a cure and vaccine for HIV. Only managed to create very expensive therapeutics.
But then, allegedly, the pharmaceutical companies of the world cure a single version of the COVID virus in just a few months.
And this magical COVID virus doesn’t mutate, and somehow the virus is exactly the same around the entire world. Tulsa to Timbuktu. Same, exact, unchanging, defenseless, stubborn virus! The COVID is defeated. First time in all of virology that a virus just refused to evolve. Didn’t even try to put up a defense. Replicated a trillion times in billions of people and yet the virus is unchanged since it first appeared in the fall of 2019.
AIDS is an iatrogenic disease caused by the diagnosis, medication, (AZT)
HIV may or may not ‘exist’ if it does, it has no relation to the disease called AIDS
However, HiV positivity, (via the PCR testing fraud) has been used in clinical studies to make medications and vaccines pass the ‘effective’ statistical categorization by selecting out the HIV positive patients in the non-placebo group for whatever indication they are looking to ‘prove’ efficacy (they did this for the covid vaccine i.e.)
The more you guys explain this, the more confusing it gets. This is ALWAYS the case when the DS lies to us. You and previous posts have explained important pieces of HIV,AIDS & CV19. So what I’ve noticed over the years is when the stories don’t make sense, important information is missing (on purpose). You guys have again proved that the accepted narrative is a lie. I knew that but for anyone out there that gets confused while listening to “facts”, know that it’s because you need to dig a little for the truth.
I believe that the virus didn't "escape" by accident from the Wuhan lab, I think it was set out deliberately. It was put out to the Chinese people, then either a lot of infected people flew to other countries to spread it, or it was purposely taken to other countries like the US on purpose to spread it all over, to help the dems plan to rig the election and get Trump out, because we know that China wanted Xidan in and Trump out. And of course they made it out to be a way bigger deal than it really was. But I do wonder that IF someone or mulitiple people brought the virus with them to the US, how & where did they spread it? How did it get into every state and county so fast? Did they spread in food or water, or did it really spread from person to person when it started? Because the timing of it all was too coincidental.
You just articulated my exact thoughts of how it was happening even back in March of 2020. I remember right after the pandemic I was watching Joey Diaz on I think the Rogan podcast and he was in his eerie asf, amazing story teller mode and speaking about being at the airport traveling to do comedy before the pandemic broke out and how many suspicious acting Chinese folks he saw congregating at the airport seemingly with no real destination.
My theory at the time was that they were there to purposefully spread the Wuhan flu, after it had been inadvertently released before being safely transported out of China where it was never supposed to have been originally traced back to so easily.
I believe covid doesn’t exist. It is the flu, or sometimes pneumonia, labeled as covid 19. Stories like this serve to further the myth covid is real when it is not. The CCP is behind it. They are behind the propaganda war that manufactured the myth of covid 19.
I know that this is a widespread believe.
But it assumes (wrongly) that covid exists.
There's no real proof for that.
In contrary. There are strong signs for a fake that it's only the regular flue.
Combined with intentional broken test kits.
We've known this for a year. I'm glad the the truth is finally seeping out, but I'm still angry as f*ck that the WHOLE story isn't being told. I want to see Fauci swing...
definitely interesting that it is now coming out
Fauci? That cockwomble that we at GA.win established starting today?
Yay, you did it! You found the spot to use our favorite Word Of The Day!!! I was hoping someone would.
No kidding. Not a single Virologist, Biologist, Scientist, ANYONE, has bothered to use the technology we have to actually study the VIRUS itself. All we’ve done is observe the symptoms, transmission, and other bullshit that only tells us what other Viruses Covid RESEMBLES. What about finding out what Covid actually IS!?
It’s because if they did this, they would realize or expose that it’s entirely man made and is being used for the most nefarious of purposes only.
All true....Fauci is worse than a cockwomble.
You guys realize how much we know LONG before everyone else does?! We knew this a year ago. Normies didn’t believe us because there was so much disinformation going around. But we knew.
Man, this really sums up how I felt watching Joe Rogan the other day saying "yeah but when the virus first came out we thought it was going to have a 3.2% death rate.." "We"? Speak for yourself, shill!
Oh man as a huge Rogan fan, I cannot even defend him on that one.
HIV hasn’t been isolated in a meaningful way. The processes that have allegedly isolated HIV break all seven postulates of virology. The virus that causes AIDS is probably a mycroplasma, not HIV. Fauci had 40 years and all the money in the world to find a cure and vaccine for HIV. Only managed to create very expensive therapeutics.
But then, allegedly, the pharmaceutical companies of the world cure a single version of the COVID virus in just a few months.
And this magical COVID virus doesn’t mutate, and somehow the virus is exactly the same around the entire world. Tulsa to Timbuktu. Same, exact, unchanging, defenseless, stubborn virus! The COVID is defeated. First time in all of virology that a virus just refused to evolve. Didn’t even try to put up a defense. Replicated a trillion times in billions of people and yet the virus is unchanged since it first appeared in the fall of 2019.
AIDS is an iatrogenic disease caused by the diagnosis, medication, (AZT)
HIV may or may not ‘exist’ if it does, it has no relation to the disease called AIDS
However, HiV positivity, (via the PCR testing fraud) has been used in clinical studies to make medications and vaccines pass the ‘effective’ statistical categorization by selecting out the HIV positive patients in the non-placebo group for whatever indication they are looking to ‘prove’ efficacy (they did this for the covid vaccine i.e.)
Thats the big fraud.
The more you guys explain this, the more confusing it gets. This is ALWAYS the case when the DS lies to us. You and previous posts have explained important pieces of HIV,AIDS & CV19. So what I’ve noticed over the years is when the stories don’t make sense, important information is missing (on purpose). You guys have again proved that the accepted narrative is a lie. I knew that but for anyone out there that gets confused while listening to “facts”, know that it’s because you need to dig a little for the truth.
well duh
I believe that the virus didn't "escape" by accident from the Wuhan lab, I think it was set out deliberately. It was put out to the Chinese people, then either a lot of infected people flew to other countries to spread it, or it was purposely taken to other countries like the US on purpose to spread it all over, to help the dems plan to rig the election and get Trump out, because we know that China wanted Xidan in and Trump out. And of course they made it out to be a way bigger deal than it really was. But I do wonder that IF someone or mulitiple people brought the virus with them to the US, how & where did they spread it? How did it get into every state and county so fast? Did they spread in food or water, or did it really spread from person to person when it started? Because the timing of it all was too coincidental.
Just like 12 Monkeys (90 second clip) https://youtu.be/2aARkYnAB8s
You just articulated my exact thoughts of how it was happening even back in March of 2020. I remember right after the pandemic I was watching Joey Diaz on I think the Rogan podcast and he was in his eerie asf, amazing story teller mode and speaking about being at the airport traveling to do comedy before the pandemic broke out and how many suspicious acting Chinese folks he saw congregating at the airport seemingly with no real destination.
My theory at the time was that they were there to purposefully spread the Wuhan flu, after it had been inadvertently released before being safely transported out of China where it was never supposed to have been originally traced back to so easily.
Always the same: First create a Problem than present the Solution.
I believe covid doesn’t exist. It is the flu, or sometimes pneumonia, labeled as covid 19. Stories like this serve to further the myth covid is real when it is not. The CCP is behind it. They are behind the propaganda war that manufactured the myth of covid 19.
So the same one he funded. Great
If he reads the five eyes intelligence report from last year..... he will stop just ‘believing’.....!
I know that this is a widespread believe. But it assumes (wrongly) that covid exists. There's no real proof for that. In contrary. There are strong signs for a fake that it's only the regular flue. Combined with intentional broken test kits.