ever since i was young i had this unexplained feeling whenever i went to certain water parks. i first felt the feeling when i saw a multi lever tower with multiple buckets on top. and it had water in them and it would drop on everyone from time to time. out of all water attractions this one stood out to me. it made me feel strange. later on i got this feeling again in another water park and it had the same attraction there only this time the whole water park was in a building. the towers with the water buckets and the roofs being on top of them made this feeling even stronger.
fast forward to today and this feeling is a little more understood. to me seeing the buckets and seeing the roof made me feel like i was in the service room where it doesn't look pretty. its just pipes everywhere and generators. you know that feeling when you see a live show and then you go back stage and see all the pipes? and wiring? that feeling of "seeing whats behind the curtain" type of thing.
i had this feeling for a while now and when i came across the Truman show a while back it was like a light bulb inside my head. seeing panels come off from the sky was a scary image to me but it perfectly described how i felt about this world. i don't think the earth is flat but i do think we are on some sort of disk controlled by a massive machine that not only projects what we see but also surrounds it. god just might be a galactic ruler and we might just be an experiment. like literally . as if we were ants in a ant farm. i will continue to believe in god because good is always better than evil but the truth of the world might be far crazier than we think.
Can I buy weed from you?
ngl. just hit a fat joint before i wrote this.
put the pipe down
I get it. Everything is questionable these days. Especially the world we live in.
Perhaps we're all living on the holo-deck of a giant UFO. ;-)
As a board certified armchair psychiatrist, I'd say you suffer from aggravated thalassophobia or possibly submechanophobia.....more specifically, acute fear of water towers. Get help. =:o|
i looked these up. pretty close but not exactly. it was more like seeing water from above fall on top of me. the more water it was the worse the feeling got
I'm not sure that your theory is right but I know that the explanation we're given is wrong. Not much in this reality makes sense, and when you start poking around, looking at the details, things become very surreal and inexplicable. I sometimes think that I've been in a coma since '85 when I had a cycling accident. I remember regaining consciousness facedown on the highway and springing to my feet to get off the road. I wonder now if that was the beginning of my imaginary reality because it's been pretty bizarre since then.
i always felt like things got bizarre for me after a month long hospital stay where i still don't remember a lot of the days
How long ago was this?
June 2009. went in to hospital the day MJ "died"! It's all that was on the room tv
We need a “schizo” banner.
And maybe a “judgmental and pro-censorship” label as well?
This is a place where we are all supposed to feel free in expressing views outside the norm. Instead of just being insulting, why not share your opposing views? Or just move on. Rigid thinking and name calling are not helpful or appreciated.
Don’t take that in a condescending way. By schizo, I’m referring to a proposed theory way outside the box. Nobody knows shit right now so your theory is just as valid as anyone else’s. Peace
Ah. Got it. Good idea, but you need a better name. Schizo means “insane” to many people.
It's called simulation theory. It's just a variation of flat earth theory. I advise you delete the post before it gets reported as flat earth spam.
its not really sim or flat earth to me. its more like we are being farmed in real time and the real "outside world" looks far different from what we call "space". i see it as more of a psychical thing rather then something we only see. i feel physically space and other planets are there but they are just creations of a machine that surrounds the whole "universe" as we know it
Sim theory has nothing to do with flattard bullshit.
Yes it does. The whole concept behind why "stupid people dont know muh earth is flat" is because our eyes are allegedly deceived by advanced holographic technologies. Very similar to "sim" theory, and both are equally worthy of being deleted as spam posts on this site. Actually there are many variations of the theories, some more similar than others, and all of them are stoner garbage spam.
Youd love the movie Dark City.
Simulation theory.
The answer is much simpler. Your brain is capable of identifying similarities and intuitively understanding certain under lying mechanical principles.
This is a gift from God, don't let it frighten you and don't be distracted by theoretical answers.
Remember something, Math is the programming language of the universe. Everything, every behavior, material, interaction, every single thing can be explained with math.
We are part of a machine, one designed by an intelligence beyond our slightest comprehension.
Reality is more crazy than anyone could reasonably guess at. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Gx6SDNtQ8Y