Calm down about the shot...
This has been authorized under an emergency use authorization. It can not be forced upon us. That is the very thing the Nuremberg trials were about. The Hague just accepted a case against Israel for forced vaccinations. Many people were executed for this type of behavior. This is precisely what the Nazis did to the Jews in concentration camps. It's called medical coercion and it's internationally recognized as a Crime Against Humanity. This is still an EXPERIMENT! The criminal trials will begin against this administration in the Hague as well.
Yes, they will not “need” to force vaccines through the government.
They will rely on devil worshipping, pedophile execs at big businesses in the private sector to force it.
Yes you are exactly right’s just like the masks The governor can’t make laws and he even said that if you had a medical exempt you didn’t have to wear it ..however the stores did not recognize that even when you bring it up to them because what he did was went around that loophole and told each of the stores that they need to refuse the right to service to anyone...I made a medical exempt badge a year ago and have been using it here in SDiego so I have been able to slide..But some places argue about that... I started pretending I couldn’t speak I just mouth the words medical exempt and point to it ...that works ..I mean it’s ridiculous what we have to do
And thanks to killing the economy, you may "technically " go elsewhere.... but the competition is gone