I have often thought that what if the one time I was not armed was that one time that I needed to be, and how much that would tick me off. Like last night I was taking the garbage down to the street, and this entered my mind as I strapped on my weapon.
Got something funny to tell you. The other day I had dentist appointment. I put on a pair of pants, and long-sleeved shirt that I tucked in, so I was wearing my gun on the outside, in plain sight. I planned to leave it in my truck at while at dentist office.
On the way to dentist, I backed into this other car. It was a stupid accident, and totally my fault. The man in the other car was very nice. He even said, lets just exchange information, no need to call cops. When I drove away I keep thinking how nice and agreeable he was about it all. I did not realize until I got out of truck at dentist office that I was wearing my gun in plain sight, and I kind of chuckled wondering if this had anything to do with his being so nice and agreeable.
i scolded me wife yesterday for not carrying hers.
"what the fuck are you going to do when you need it on a day you didnt think you would need it?"
I have often thought that what if the one time I was not armed was that one time that I needed to be, and how much that would tick me off. Like last night I was taking the garbage down to the street, and this entered my mind as I strapped on my weapon.
Got something funny to tell you. The other day I had dentist appointment. I put on a pair of pants, and long-sleeved shirt that I tucked in, so I was wearing my gun on the outside, in plain sight. I planned to leave it in my truck at while at dentist office.
On the way to dentist, I backed into this other car. It was a stupid accident, and totally my fault. The man in the other car was very nice. He even said, lets just exchange information, no need to call cops. When I drove away I keep thinking how nice and agreeable he was about it all. I did not realize until I got out of truck at dentist office that I was wearing my gun in plain sight, and I kind of chuckled wondering if this had anything to do with his being so nice and agreeable.
shit i wear mine when i tool around in the yard.
I feel guilty for not having it on me in the house.
Yup two things I strap on as I dress in the am.. my gun and my multi tool.
Ha haahh!! That’s funny. You bet he saw it.
https://youtu.be/mfGKUg9yCBU?t=709 - Paul Harrell - Concealed Carry Methods. - Pocket Carry
It's all about program compliance. Maybe she needs something smaller.
Awesome video!!! “The main thing about a shoulder holster is...looking really cool”!!! I lost it.
haha?yeah I love his sense of humor, always worth watching even when (especially sometimes) he's just talking. Lots of great info!
He got soaked with Cola!!!
Paul harrell is the man.
People need to get over wanting it to be comfy. No purse carry. Told her to get a fanny pack.