I live in a dictator state and I’ve found a few stores that I can comfortably go into without a mask. Please add the businesses you know of too!
- Homegoods/TJ maxx/Marshall’s - simply say you have a medical condition
- Home Depot - safe, employees don’t say anything
- Target - safe, employees don’t say anything
I've been to the following places consistently with no mask:
Pet Smart Michaels Belk Publix Aldi Kirklands Home Goods T J Maxx Wal Mart Home Depot Dollar Tree Quality Foods (locally owned) Hobby Lobby Bed Bath and Beyond Best Buy
But the problem is, the mask "relaxation" in these places is not consistent throughout the U.S.
Local Pet Smart is hideous abrasive loud bullying nazis about the mask
Sprouts is racist even though they claim blm. Went there with hubby and special needs son, we are all mask exempt (disabled vet here). The white people were cowards and sent the fat ass fridgerator Mexican (probably illegal) to come over with her dirty box of masks, hand on hip and yell at us in front of everyone to please her white masters.
I told her I was exempt and to get out of my face. Then we stated that they are discriminating against an autistic individual and veteran. Dropped our basket right where it was and walked out. So tired of them. Our state isn’t even under a mandate anymore.