I live in a dictator state and I’ve found a few stores that I can comfortably go into without a mask. Please add the businesses you know of too!
- Homegoods/TJ maxx/Marshall’s - simply say you have a medical condition
- Home Depot - safe, employees don’t say anything
- Target - safe, employees don’t say anything
Hate to say it but I notice that the leftists mass holes are afraid to say anything to white people but are quick to humiliate our black family. It’s happened so many times to us we moved across the country. Only happened once here. In the black community, they are just mean and abusive in general to who they consider the “wrong type of black person.”
Yikes, I didn't know that. I'm not black, so I don't know how the black community treats each other, but you did remind me of an incident that happened at work once.
I was walking with a black co-worker when she spotted a black woman across the way that had just started working there. My co-worker turned to me and said, "at least I ain't that dark". I was kind of surprised, because I didn't see how that mattered how dark she was.
Yup, most of the rot in our community is because of the attitude problems within it.