BREAKING: Dr. Fauci Admits COVID Vaccine May Not Be Safe
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You must be the one who often spoke to us about Racine. I was 13Buddha on Voat as well.
Thank you and yes. We were TrustTheTruth on Voat also. Please help share any of this information anywhere you can. We can provide more details or links on anything to verify.
Here are a few -
About that spit test... seems a Rutger’s researcher was successful in developing one, but then “unexpectedly died” at the ripe age of 51.
Good find.
It is much more than the test. What are Eugenics and Transhumanism? Look further into Mason Lab and Biotia. Who is Chris Mason? Who is Linda Mason? Who is the mayor of Racine? What roles do the father and grandfather play? Look further into FluGen at UW. Weill Cornell is a key to how everything is connected.
Then investigate Fred Gates who married into a family in Racine after his first wife died only a year into marriage. What did Fred Gates do? How do you use Health and Philanthropy to control communities, nations and industries? What is the Rockefeller Foundation? Operation Lockstep?
Haven’t gotten to Weill yet but FluGen board member Erik Iverson has an interesting background ... Gates Foundation ... Perkins Coie ... (of Steele dossier infamy). Interesting. Lots of paths in this rabbit hole.... I’ll get into it some other time. Thank you.
Like your investigating stuff. Just curious was crap going down back in 1987 in Racine?
I was there in 1987. There is a connection to La Salle but can’t say anymore besides that’s why I was there as teenager.
So I believe I was at some community opera house or concert hall. I was introduced to some dude who was like 30 or so. He said he invented a container for transporting movies to the various movie theaters around America. As far as I know perhaps that patent never came to fruition.
I did get a weird vibe. I was only there for 2 or 3 days though.
Didn’t a researcher working on a vaccine or a treatment at U Pitt mysteriously die last April or May, too?
Hadn’t heard about this one, thx. These poor souls trying to help humanity, basically, and they get taken out.
Excellent. The truth is mighty scary, but I will not be afraid.