Well dunno if that's usual, but otherwise you'll know if tomorrow you'll hear about a bad racist military plane full of racist militaries striked on a migrant facility because guns are bad
it was ironic as that may be nothing at all, or actually may be a message or even worse an FF or attempt, they need to show everyone what they are up to with symbolism so...
hells bells. FEAR01, B52 is up NOW w/SKULL32. Ever Given is sitting alone in the Muz lake with no canal traffic. Now is 1921 PDST,
Unless it’s planning bombing runs in the continental US I think it’s probably nothing.
I watch them fly between Nebraska and Texas all the time... but never with this callsign.
Normal. Get some sleep zzzzzzz
I have been watching the skies for months now and have never seen this callsign.
I’ve seen some skull call signs if I recall. There are so many all day it’s hard to remember them. Keep on it fellow planefagg
Symbolism will be their downfall
Just the evil saying mess with us, we'll happily drop an bomb on you.
Hopefully with something a little more precise... ;)
Well dunno if that's usual, but otherwise you'll know if tomorrow you'll hear about a bad racist military plane full of racist militaries striked on a migrant facility because guns are bad
guns r bad, mkay?
I just thought it was compelling as I had never seen this callsign before.
it was ironic as that may be nothing at all, or actually may be a message or even worse an FF or attempt, they need to show everyone what they are up to with symbolism so...
Callsigns can be a lot of very aggressive names... but this specific word and number combination??
Pretty coincidental...