posted ago by Radian_333 ago by Radian_333 +41 / -0

Having just seen a thing about a facial recognition test at Disney, the sign said clearly it is optional.

Got me thinking about how recently now that in my area (very democrat area) anyone who wants the COVID shot can get it, it’s come up with some work and karate friends and when they ask if/when I’m getting one, I’ve just been saying “no, I’m not planning to” with the conviction that my mind is made up and I don’t even need to explain it to you. And they have all been “oh ok, cool, that’s your choice” but they don’t just end it there. They repeat it several times. If it were another question they would not do so normally.

Not sure if they are just emphasizing it to make sure you know they’re serious, or if my assured stance on it is making them second guess they’re own decision. Or the whole subject is so touchy? Or are they mad they see one of the monkeys isn’t going along with the pack? I’m a visibly healthy late 30s guy so shouldn’t be a health concern.

What are your the reactions you all are getting to “non educated” colleagues and friends when you tell them you don’t plan on getting an experimental drug?