It actually goes a bit more than that - it was Bill Clinton who started building up the Islamists for his own terrorist purposes. You can see the clues to this if you dig into the OKC bombing rabbit hole.
Huma actually started off as an intern for Bill, and it will be anyone's guess how she went from intern to the handler of Hillary. Perhaps the beast you tried to create became bigger than you can handle?
I still think of Planet of the Apes every time I see a VJ pic.
We all do. And we were all thinking it even BEFORE Rosanne Barr's comments.
Same here. That was a hilariously accurate statement.
It actually goes a bit more than that - it was Bill Clinton who started building up the Islamists for his own terrorist purposes. You can see the clues to this if you dig into the OKC bombing rabbit hole.
Huma actually started off as an intern for Bill, and it will be anyone's guess how she went from intern to the handler of Hillary. Perhaps the beast you tried to create became bigger than you can handle?
I hope full declas is forthcoming very soon.
Umm, you're about 25 yrs off on that assessment. "Poppy" Bush is the one who created the modern day Islamist insurgent terrorist.
You are right. Evil Bush planted the seeds and Bill watered it. Hussein and Killary reaped the harvests
You're both right.
What deep roots this Tree of Evil has...
Iran Contra.... one the most classic redpills out there
Contra Iran Affair.. GHWB
Huma is buried next to Hillary?
There are way more than just those. John Kerry is practically an honorary citizen of Iran.
Absolutely ??
HANDLERS, NOT "advisors."
Yes that is 100% correct ?