It is well known that vitamin D levels are critical to health. The point is the governments knew telling you to "stay indoors" was going to be bad for you. Knew.

As soon as they said to stay inside it pissed me off. I knew right from the start that they didn’t care. They never said anything about getting sun (vitamin D), vitamins, eat well, calcium, vitamin C, zinc, etc.
It's part of the massive NWO/DS/MIC plan to degrade our health, knowledge, and soceity until we can be lead as easily as sheep. I will not bow to Ceasar. Only to the TRUE KING OF KINGS
Not only that... it stressed out families and caused depression (especially among many teens who couldn't see their friends) and increased substance abuse and suicides.
The only covid related death that I have is a guy at work killed himself last year.
As I am in the risk group I know of one person who died in my neighborhood from COVID. He was in his 70's. I don't know if he had any co-morbidity. I don't know him personally. I do know he was on a respirator and most likely did not get ANY thing that would have helped him early on (HCQ or Ivermectin) since most people around here who got sick were told to stay home and take over the counter cold medications unless they got sicker. Then they were told to go to the hospital. By the time you need to go to the hospital it is almost too late IMHO.
Collateral death toll outweighs any actual c19 deaths. Sad that so many buy the lies of fauci and MSM
this was the first give away... when trump mentioned remedies instead of lock downs and fear
They vilified President Trump for pushing hydroxychloroquine as well. Someone posted here that Uganda had a better pandemic than we did.
Medical Drs have gotten as soft as many of our pastors. Heaven forbid they upset anyone with the truth...
Mine does. See an anti-aging doc. Difference is night and day.