Being scared to take risks is failing to appreciate the time we have been given. Your time is limited, so never waste it trying to live someone else's life.
Never become enslaved to your opinions or beliefs, as they will change over time - being bound to a particular belief is just living with the results of other people's thinking (who likely don’t have your personal growth and evolution as their priority).
Around the world today, we see people physically modifying themselves and doing their best to manipulate others for the sake of ideological beliefs. Beliefs aren’t facts, nor are they rules that we MUST live our lives by - they are just ideas and nothing more ?
The purpose of maturing in life is to grow UP and out of our beliefs, and into accurate self awareness.
Don't let the noise of other people’s opinions drown out your creativity or authentic inner voice. And most importantly, have the boldness to follow your intuition - so long as your ‘intuition’ is pointing you in a sensible direction that adds value to your life.
I do all I do for my children. I lived my life. Most of the time in darkness, blindness. Now that I can see, I do all I can to protect my family from the evil out there and open their minds to what we as humans (terrans) really are: human to each other, spreading love and understanding to the ones surrounding us. The time will come when I tell my children about the times we once lived in and explain them, what happened, but until then, I'll fight inhumanity werever and whenever I can. This fight will come to an end, soon. God only knows the outcome.
May you live in interesting times is what I whished for myself in my youth, so: here I am, here we are.
Very empowering post you made. Well said. Would love to pass this on?
Time for citizens of America to again become AmerICANs instead of AmerICAN'Ts