Ok, well, this was unexpected. A friend of mine (based, also questions everything re: CV19) just told me that their brother and a very good friend - both about 30 years old, both in tip top shape, plenty of sun/good eating/limited mask wearing... just got ROCKED by CV19.
One was barely able to breathe and had to be put on extensive steroid treatments + an IV at home.
The other developed respiratory clotting and had a heart attack... (dude was a triathlete).
I'm the first person to say "Probably just the flu" or "They probably had a totally compromised immune system + too much mask wearing"... but I trust all 3 people involved.
Now, here's the interesting hypothesis/logic paths I'm trying to work through:
Either these two healthy/young people got hit hard with a CV19 variant and it's legit... or....
The tests they received actually somehow caused the escalations/hospitalizations and severe (almost life threatening) symptoms.
The reason I am thinking about scenario #2 is that BOTH of them were experiencing very* mild symptoms. And within 48 hours from getting swabbed for the BS PCR test, they almost died from the symptoms that developed.
So, thoughts on a powerful strain hitting our area vs. the possibility of the PCR swab tests being tainted and potentially causing the nearly 2x body count?
I know that Rockefeller got a patent for the test a year or two before anyone knew what COVID 19 was. I’ve seen evidence that there are nano magnetic particles in the test swabs and one lady online demonstrated on video how the material from the test swab interacted (magnetically) with the strange fibers taken from her own body (Morgellan’s disease). I wouldn’t be surprised at all that the test itself can be a catalyst for exacerbated symptoms.
I've seen all kinds of weird shit with those swabs, even unopened ones, under a microscope - with little moving black fibers in the packaging.
I posted last night about the possibility of conducting an actual investigation on the various test kits to see if they contain catalysts/particles/fibers/etc. But... to do this would require someone w/ access to the test kits and proper technology/experience to investigate.
I'd happily pay for their time.
I saw this video link posted on GA about the tests:
People are so eager to go anywhere that they will subject themselves to a lot of things to "be free".
This happened to me, but without tests. I got it March last year. Very few symptoms, then wham! Serious difficulty breathing. From there it took me many weeks before I felt normal again.
It's typical of covid, when it has a strong effect. It causes random blood clotting. If your body takes care of it quickly the clots dissipate on their own without much effect. In the rare cases when the body doesn't get it initially, the clots build up and it takes people by surprise: basically nothing until a big problem. The real danger is letting it sneak up on you. People also get strokes. Medcram.com has tons of information about the specific pathology. I know a couple people who reacted that way.
Did they try taking Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin and Zinc at the onset of symptoms?
Of course not! Though I've been suggesting this to everyone for 12 months now. Some of them even ask. Get denied aggressively by their "Doctors".
Part of the issue was that the symptoms were barely even registering as colds (both had to get tested for work)... and then... boom, 1-2 days after the swab they both almost died.
Seems fishy AF.
I will NEVER get tested.
My new rule: You put a swab near my kid's face, you'll have a gun near yours.
I know others have posted where to get Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, but now I can't find that info. Could someone please let me know? Thank you!
Crazy Theory: if the virus was created in a lab in a country that could potentially access a wide variety of DNA data... An engineered virus could very well be a targeted bioweapon that reacts strongly towards certain DNA types. Not all bioweapons have to be apocalypse-level deadly, either. Just enough to cause a stir and provoke fear with the help of your paid promoters
Just like some people are born with visible genetic anomalies, some are born with vulnerabilities to a certain disease. You can even pay for the privilege to let other countries know what you and similar gene carriers are likely to die from, because that's a good idea.
It's COVID. Not the PCR tests. Normally symptoms start 2-3 days after inoculation. Most people are tested around this time. The cytokine storm can start as early as 5-6 days. That's what kicks people's asses and that can be prevented by HCQ or ivermectin in those first 2-3 days. Once the storm starts HCQ and IVM won't help.
The PCR tests are not tainted.
I've seen it mess up young people for a week or two, but they survive.
How would you explain the mild symptoms lasting for so long (1 week for one case and about 10 days for the other case)... and then escalating so rapidly shortly after testing?
Coincidence? Just a variation of time on the cytokine storm that happened to coincide w/ the post-test time?
And re: surviving - they would have both been DOA if it wasn't for medical intervention. Especially the heart attack via clotting case.
The clots can occur anywhere at all in the bloodstream, but initially they are free-floating. At a certain level of accumulation/saturation at any random place, they coagulate within the blood vessels blocking them. But until that happens, the blood follows normally. Medcram.com has too much info on it (they did episodes every day for at least 6 months, covering all the new info), but it's very well presented and mostly well organized. Cherry-pick according to the name of each presentation.
Thank you for the thoughtful replies!
I have much to reconsider.
WWG1WGA, fren. It's why we're here.
Had either of them received vaccines?
Old or young the primary issue is your bodies over reaction to the infection. In 1918 "The Spanish Flu" epidemic is was mostly young healthy people that died. *So , young or old being short of Vit D, Zinc limits your immune systems ability to fight the infection.
*Being low on Vit. C lowers your first line of defense Cell Mediated Immunity where most people just have mild symptoms. Leaving you needing to over react with the secondary defense.
*Just like Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin all of these things need to be done BEFORE or at least very early at first symptoms.
Sorry about your friends, I was young and bullet proof once too, I woke up.
Option 3: It’s a strong type of seasonal flu that they happened to get. Option 4: it’s a strong type of seasonal flu and the sickness was increased by using the BS, possibly virus loaded PCR test.
Well we know seasonal flu causes deaths in young children and adults on average 60-80,000 people a year. I would say #3 is still good bet, but I would not rule out anything at this point.
I'd actually consider the flu shot if that shit could clot your lungs and cause a heart attack...
Option 4 is similar to my line of thinking.
Covid is a hoax. Dig deeper.
I just recently shared an article from the Alabama Dept. of Health showing that nearly nobody dies from COVID by itself, however it's not impossible. Alabama shows 2% of total COVID-related deaths are people with no preexisting conditions or comorbidities. The healthiest people can get knocked down by the flu just like anyone else...they should just be able to recover faster.