posted ago by PilgrimFarAway ago by PilgrimFarAway +60 / -0

TLDR; The cabal can suck it - states rights are back in vogue.

I was on board with everyone else, sure that the Republic would die if things didn't go the way I had it all planned out on election night. After election night, I was on board with every milestone of datefagging proposed. Every date was the red line of death and every date passed.

Looking back, not one of the tremendous steps towards reclaiming state autonomy would have occurred with those magic dates. Look at this wave of states reasserting their rights:

  1. Gun rights laws
  2. Election integrity laws
  3. Transgender protections
  4. Prolife protections
  5. Medical privacy and autonomy (ie - no mandatory jabs, no vaccine passports)
  6. Immigration enforcement
  7. Fiscal policy independence
  8. Free speech and big tech enforcement

I am sure there are many other examples. This is now a wave. We are witnessing the reassertion of the rights states have under the 10th Amendment and quite possibly our only chance to save the Republic. The United States is simply too populous, too powerful and too wealthy to survive this absurd mutation of our former republican system with a massive and corrupt system of government.

4 more years of President Trump would have done very little more than disrupt the march to communism. The re-emergence of states rights can fundamentally restructure our society.