What makes most people here feel better is knowing TDS has not faded since the inauguration. That the current administration is turning off lifelong Dems at a remarkable rate. Yes, this is anecdotal, but I’ve recently had a few 50 year old, lifelong Democrats tell me based on what is being done, they can’t support the party any longer. These are quiet people who, without prompting, felt the need to rant. And, finally, even though a lot of people still suffer from election fraud denial, more people are admitting it happened.
If that makes you feel better to think that way then by all means.
President Trump is simply factually stating truth in the present tense.
What makes most people here feel better is knowing TDS has not faded since the inauguration. That the current administration is turning off lifelong Dems at a remarkable rate. Yes, this is anecdotal, but I’ve recently had a few 50 year old, lifelong Democrats tell me based on what is being done, they can’t support the party any longer. These are quiet people who, without prompting, felt the need to rant. And, finally, even though a lot of people still suffer from election fraud denial, more people are admitting it happened.
Using correct grammar is actually a GOOD thing. Ebonics is just another tool to undermine society.
But of course you're not going overboard with that supposition. Keep on keeping on LOL
Why the deportation canons have just been jolted awake....handshake........
You missed the point
It is odd, no? This development relatively new.