The Kenosha/Racine/Milwaukee area is the place in Southern Wisconsin where the portal into the Path of Souls through Orions Nebula passes over the Great Lakes, the largest source of fresh water in the world (measured by surface area). Many of the elite power players live at Wind Point in Racine, which is the farthest extension of land protruding into the Great Lakes in Southern Wisconsin.
Other cultures, especially the ancient Egyptians, held beliefs about water, the stars and the afterlife that are strikingly similar to the Mound Builders, which is why the Egyptians moved heaven and earth to place the bodies of their dead pharoahs inside of pyramids that were aligned with Orion and built to the exact proportions of the chemical structure of the water molecule. Although it does not explicitly state it, this video about the Pythagorean Pentagram proves the relationship between the pyramids, the golden ratio, and water. At 6:10, when he splits the triangle, you can see a clear depiction of the Great Pyramid of Giza. This is why, in Egyptian Hieroglyphics, a five pointed star represented the afterlife. Specifically, a pentagram symbolized the land of the Star Gods, but a pentacle (a star with a circle around it) represented Duat, the underworld, or Land of the Dead.
Like the Mound Builders, the Egyptians believed that the soul would follow the setting sun to the West, replicating the rebirth cycle of the Sun God Ra who sailed across the watery underworld, before being born again the next day by the Milky Way, which was represented by the Mother Goddess of the Primordial Waters Nu.
u/PatrioticWoman45 u/basedvirginian u/PepeSee
Racine and the Path of Souls
To understand why the Racine area is so important today, it helps to understand why it was also considered important to cultures in the distant past. The Milky Way was known to Native Americans as "the Path of Souls". They believed the stars in the Milky Way were the souls of their ancestors proceeding through a great journey full of trials and tests. In order to begin this journey, the soul had to travel to the surface of the underworld which they believed was water.
That is why nearly every single Native American burial mound is situated near a source of water. Once the soul reached the water it could attempt a leap of faith into the "Eye in hand" constellation which the Natives believed was the portal into the Path of Souls. We know this portal today as Orions Nebula.
Southern Wisconsin is the closest place on earth to that portal. The galactic-center area of the Milky Way glides just over the horizon in southern Wisconsin and the travel direction of animal-shaped burial mounds leads them towards the Milky Way’s “rise-point” (first-glance visibility after astronomic darkness).
The Kenosha/Racine/Milwaukee area is the place in Southern Wisconsin where the portal into the Path of Souls through Orions Nebula passes over the Great Lakes, the largest source of fresh water in the world (measured by surface area). Many of the elite power players live at Wind Point in Racine, which is the farthest extension of land protruding into the Great Lakes in Southern Wisconsin.
Other cultures, especially the ancient Egyptians, held beliefs about water, the stars and the afterlife that are strikingly similar to the Mound Builders, which is why the Egyptians moved heaven and earth to place the bodies of their dead pharoahs inside of pyramids that were aligned with Orion and built to the exact proportions of the chemical structure of the water molecule. Although it does not explicitly state it, this video about the Pythagorean Pentagram proves the relationship between the pyramids, the golden ratio, and water. At 6:10, when he splits the triangle, you can see a clear depiction of the Great Pyramid of Giza. This is why, in Egyptian Hieroglyphics, a five pointed star represented the afterlife. Specifically, a pentagram symbolized the land of the Star Gods, but a pentacle (a star with a circle around it) represented Duat, the underworld, or Land of the Dead.
Like the Mound Builders, the Egyptians believed that the soul would follow the setting sun to the West, replicating the rebirth cycle of the Sun God Ra who sailed across the watery underworld, before being born again the next day by the Milky Way, which was represented by the Mother Goddess of the Primordial Waters Nu.
Why would water be necessary for the soul to launch itself into the heavens? This is speculation, but science has certainly shown that water has many incredible properties pertaining to levitation. Thin strands of water produce high electrical voltages when falling through copper spirals, causing water droplets to reverse direction and levitate upwards. This occurs naturally at waterfalls, where the tiniest water droplets carry an electrostatic charge and form a fine mist that has been shown to ease symptoms of asthma. What is even more astonishing is that fish are able to "climb" waterfalls without even exerting the normal amount of effort required to swim. Can water defy gravity by flowing upstream? Is that why Viktor Schauberger claimed to have produced a levitating disk using water vortices called a "repulsine"?
Is this why so many lakes are considered UFO sighting hotspots, including Long Lake in Wisconsin, which some have called the "UFO capital of the world"?
I wish I could give more than one upvote. Does anyone have a Dominion machine I can borrow?
Racine does. Ask Brad Smith why ElectionGuard chose Wisconsin as the test state and why Nancy Pelosi said “it’s all riding on Wisconsin”.
Well played friend