Earthly punishment will pale in comparison to true judgement from the Lord. If you don’t believe in God, I pray that you find Him. His grace is mighty and even the worst person can be saved. If we judge even the worst people, we have hate in our heart. Oh but for the grace of God go I.
Nahh, that's why the dogma perpetuates attrocities. People don't take matters into their own hands while awaiting for some speculative final judgement that may never come... If you believe there's a god somewhere that can watch 10's of thousands of "frazzledrips" and do nothing... I have to wonder why you worship the guy.
I'm sure the Deep State continually wavers back and forth on the benefits/dangers of religion to them.
It’s clear you are talking about something you do not understand. If you want to be taken serious, please look into what you are bashing. “If God exists, why are there tragedies” is one of the oldest questions surrounding religion. There are answers, but you have to be willing to see.
For the record, I was a very devout and devoted Christian for 25+ years.
It just no longer works for me. But knocking my knowledge on the subject because you disagree with my conclusions is really just bountiful intellectual laziness.
Shall we criticize your spiritual laziness and lack of faith?? These are the times that generate a Great Revival and it is strong enough to jar this old former Unitarian into his senses..
I agree... I feel like this is a man's image thing... Not a God's image thing... The ego is about an eye for an eye, that is why Jesus taught to forgive and turn the other cheek... It means, that if you hold hatred in your heart, it is you that has to experience the receiving end of that hatred, in this life or the next... Truly, I think that the best thing we can do for someone who is too far gone to repent of their ways is to do battle... And if that battle ends in them being slain, then that is on them for forcing our hand... At least then their resistance is gone and they can reset, leaving behind the programming that caused them to go so astray... But for the ones that wish to repent and be forgiven, I think the true God of the Gospels, that Jesus taught about, is beyond us and our petty grievances, already knowing their hearts and forgiving them... It is Man, in their broken-heartedness and pain, that perpetuates punishment and torture in vengeance for being wronged... Those hoping for pain and suffering on another is the one who will consciously receive it in some way, shape or form... That's why Hell is such a subjective experience... Heaven and Hell, I believe, are simply the Self's perspective of the relationship between the Self (individual consciousness) and the Source (The collective consciousness, source consciousness, or God Consciousness)... If they are not aligned, the Self feels all out of place and experiences the full negative spectrum of existence, where if they are aligned the Self experiences the best the universe has to offer, continuous growth and adventure, and especially, desires to share that joy with everyone!... I have seen plenty of evidence of this in the way Jesus taught his disciples... Alas, in the end, only God can reveal the truth to us if we are willing to chase the Spirit wherever it goes... So at this point, I trust that Spirit far more than any man's interpretation of a book that was constructed to control how we interact with God, and who gets to be correct about their interpretations... And it's here that I digress! Cheers and Blessings! :)
Thanks! Good words! Organized religion isn't my thing but I can definitely appreciate your perspective. The bible does have some very good messages for sure!
Earthly punishment will pale in comparison to true judgement from the Lord. If you don’t believe in God, I pray that you find Him. His grace is mighty and even the worst person can be saved. If we judge even the worst people, we have hate in our heart. Oh but for the grace of God go I.
Nahh, that's why the dogma perpetuates attrocities. People don't take matters into their own hands while awaiting for some speculative final judgement that may never come... If you believe there's a god somewhere that can watch 10's of thousands of "frazzledrips" and do nothing... I have to wonder why you worship the guy.
I'm sure the Deep State continually wavers back and forth on the benefits/dangers of religion to them.
It’s clear you are talking about something you do not understand. If you want to be taken serious, please look into what you are bashing. “If God exists, why are there tragedies” is one of the oldest questions surrounding religion. There are answers, but you have to be willing to see.
You're contractually obligated to say that.
For the record, I was a very devout and devoted Christian for 25+ years.
It just no longer works for me. But knocking my knowledge on the subject because you disagree with my conclusions is really just bountiful intellectual laziness.
Shall we criticize your spiritual laziness and lack of faith?? These are the times that generate a Great Revival and it is strong enough to jar this old former Unitarian into his senses..
I agree... I feel like this is a man's image thing... Not a God's image thing... The ego is about an eye for an eye, that is why Jesus taught to forgive and turn the other cheek... It means, that if you hold hatred in your heart, it is you that has to experience the receiving end of that hatred, in this life or the next... Truly, I think that the best thing we can do for someone who is too far gone to repent of their ways is to do battle... And if that battle ends in them being slain, then that is on them for forcing our hand... At least then their resistance is gone and they can reset, leaving behind the programming that caused them to go so astray... But for the ones that wish to repent and be forgiven, I think the true God of the Gospels, that Jesus taught about, is beyond us and our petty grievances, already knowing their hearts and forgiving them... It is Man, in their broken-heartedness and pain, that perpetuates punishment and torture in vengeance for being wronged... Those hoping for pain and suffering on another is the one who will consciously receive it in some way, shape or form... That's why Hell is such a subjective experience... Heaven and Hell, I believe, are simply the Self's perspective of the relationship between the Self (individual consciousness) and the Source (The collective consciousness, source consciousness, or God Consciousness)... If they are not aligned, the Self feels all out of place and experiences the full negative spectrum of existence, where if they are aligned the Self experiences the best the universe has to offer, continuous growth and adventure, and especially, desires to share that joy with everyone!... I have seen plenty of evidence of this in the way Jesus taught his disciples... Alas, in the end, only God can reveal the truth to us if we are willing to chase the Spirit wherever it goes... So at this point, I trust that Spirit far more than any man's interpretation of a book that was constructed to control how we interact with God, and who gets to be correct about their interpretations... And it's here that I digress! Cheers and Blessings! :)
Thanks! Good words! Organized religion isn't my thing but I can definitely appreciate your perspective. The bible does have some very good messages for sure!