posted ago by FortheGenerations ago by FortheGenerations +33 / -0

This is a plea for help from Odyssey/Lbry TV (one of the few free speech video platforms left in existence). https://helplbrysavecrypto.com/

The SEC is advancing an aggressive and disastrous new standard that would make almost all blockchain tokens securities.

Classifying all actively-developed blockchain tokens as securities will be a bureaucratic nightmare for United States residents and businesses operating in the US.

Under this new standard, almost any token is a security, including the previously safe Ethereum. The nature of technology is that it is never "finished".

This change will make it much harder for startups to form new blockchain companies, cause massive job loss, and stunt the development of a critical new technology. All the while, big tech and Wall St. prosper!>

Odyssey is awesome, great place to find content and they pay their content creators in their own Crypto. According to the devs over at c/meta they are going to implement embedding oddysey videos on the .win network soon, so that should tell you something about odysee.com if you didn't know already. either way TPTB are trying to stop crypto in it's tracks across the board just trying to bring awareness.