94 Got restricted for 24 hours on FB for posting Hunter Biden pic (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by canadianpatriot13 3 years ago by canadianpatriot13 +95 / -1 22 comments download share 22 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Maybe they want pictures where they are not blurred out try again.
I got 24 hrs for the first round of this pic when the story first broke.
it was uncensored back then
Hmm ... sounds like you too need to up your game. Maybe try some pictures with him naked smoking Parmesan cheese.
Your first mistake was not finding a much-younger photo of him naked. I'm pretty sure THAT wouldn't get censored. <eye roll>
Post the video where he explains how to best shave a penis (not sure how masturbating first helps).
https://gnews.org/460690/ - NSFW
It got taken down within seconds
It won't be taken down if posted by Hunter himself.
I posted the one in his underwear and no problem. I shout post the one you posted just to see. LOL
I posted the Australia news site with the photos they had and it stayed up actually on FB surprised.
Def the smartest guy Joe knows.
Isn't the tat on his upper back of the Finger Lakes? Remember reading about that....significant.....
There's a significance to the red scarf, right?
I was wondering about that, because of the so called suicides of people hanging from door knobs by a red scarf.
Why? Nothing to see here!
I hope he keeps his clothes in prison, many would be satisfied ?
Does he think he's attractive? Wat a maroon!
The key to this image is the red scarf...