What do you guys think about Bannon's War Room ?
I still listen to it, yet I've seen some severe criticism against him here. Is there a unified position or just a bunch of anectodal evidence I mistook for the whole ?
I liked it up until I found X22. Nothing against War Room, it just doesn't compare IMO.
Honestly, everyone loves an X22 from time to time, but he really just keep repeating himself. AndWeKnow has real analysis - it’s closer the X22’s spirit.
The problem with listening to X22 only is that you live in an alternate reality. War room or similar shows keep your feet well grounded, and you can still discuss with people regarding events. With X22 it’s only speculation - I also agree with speculation with Trump and the situation here, but the flipside is that it isolates you.
AndWeKnow does Ok IMO but I get turned off by the pushing of his site and his merchandise right in the middle of his remarks. Dave does the same thing on X22 but it's his sponsors, not his own merchandise he's trying to push. I usually skip past it when I listen to AsWeKnow but it still annoys me.
People have to get paid for their work. Analyses take time and energy (aka work).
Putting in plugs is standard practice and has been for all of human history. The fact that they offer their services for free, with the occasional pointer on how they can be paid for their services is good, solid capitalism imo: above board and well intentioned.
Anyone providing a social network or content to the masses without any direct compensation should be suspected of selling users information. Google, Facebook, YouTube, and any other discussion forums should be examined carefully in this context. If there is no product for sale, you are the product.
Possible, but how do you really spread your message without knowing who is reading/listening to it? How much of your personal info have you given to X22? Your email address ?
Ah I get that. But then, if we want these guys to continue working, they still have to feed themselves. I skip past them as well.
Paytriots. Doesn't mean I don't enjoy the show but it means I take it all with a cup of salt. People get paid to ponder sensational shit and at the end of the day they are making money off you listening. So there becomes incentive to give the crowd what they want naturally. Like the guys you see doing market analysis drawing in meaningless sloped trend lines, you can bend your angle to whatevers needed to sell the chosen msg, this is just as vulnerable to that.
By all means be paid for your work but the trade off is that it does tinge credibility to a degree especially with the alt media wild west we have right now. Some folks seem credible, some are very much not. Discernment is everything.
Dude sure stays on point doesn't he.
Don't get me wrong. I love And We Know. But his shows aren't uploaded daily and, while his perspective is unique, by the time a new show comes out, it's mostly stories I've already heard.
I also get to listen to Walton and Johnson for about an hour on the morning, and Michael Berry for about an hour in the afternoon, unless I want to listen to music.
I agree with you for AndWeKnow. I too sometimes already know the info. Also, he has stopped analyzing - in a Q way - lately. Just giving out news.
Try BardsFM.