posted ago by southbeatz ago by southbeatz +34 / -1

I know a lot of information is available online to look at but I prefer some information from people instead of news that could be biased in favor or against something.

What are the state of things for everyone around America and the world? I'm sure people from other countries use this website.

Here in FL, life has never really changed aside from seeing people wearing masks. I go to stores without a mask, no one cares. I go out to eat without a mask and 95% of people are also not wearing masks. It does make me feel bad for the employees that are told to wear a mask or find another job.

I know Amazon is not popular to some because of Parler but Parler was never anything for us anyways. I happen to like Amazon prime movies, Amazon unlimited music, and the prime delivery. I also have Walmart deliver big packs of TP so I don't have to deal with it in a store, to a car, etc. Maybe it's a bit of laziness but I am getting older, not younger lol.

I bring up those because if I am home when something is delivered, they hand it right to me, usually without a mask, no 6ft bs, as if life has never changed. If I order a pizza, the delivery driver is the same way. I go into stores without a mask, all is normal. Many places have employees either without a mask on or with it pulled down under their chin.

I know that I don't know truly how bad it is for people living in more liberal areas so I assume there might be others that would not know truly how bad things have gotten. I was wanting to see what other people are having to go through.

When this mess is over with, and it will be one day, many of us will likely be helping each other kind of rebuild the world in a way. Not literally but I can imagine a lot is going to change.