Before you quote Q and say "Vaccines [Not all]", realize they also said "Think Mirror". They also have to put double-meanings to mislead their enemies. Not everything they post is intended to be literal.
J&J had to pay out billions for cancer-causing baby powder, so don't think they're the arbiter of health in any way shape or form. Regardless of whether a vaccine uses mRNA or not is irrelevant. These vaccines have the full intent of depopulation. The DS is panicking and they want us all gone. Those who took the vaccines are the first casualties of war.
However, I feel the calling for stopping J&J an act by the white-hats. It's just the first drip to the normies out there. Think about it. Only "6" complications? That's just what they're willing to admit to the news right now. Imagine what would happen when the dam breaks and the thousands of victim stories of the vaccine start making headway from all the other vaccines out there. How would the rest of the vaccinated population feel? This would cause a mass-panic.
Seems if 6 shuts down j&j, there's enough incidents to shut them all down. Why are pfizer and moderna allowed to continue? I mean we know why, but how does the FDA justify that?
There's a story on Gateway Pundit, where Fauci is telling women who took J&J to watch for symptoms:
Here's an interesting comment from that story:
If you're wondering whats going on... Pfizer controls the FDA and pays Fauci... J&J was the competition... Now you only have mRNA so called 'vaccines' available... All this jabbering about six poor women getting blood clots is all 'Talk Talk' - thousands of people are dropping dead like flies around the world from this poison and we're supposed to believe these pigs give a damn about 6 women getting blood clots? ... Call me cynical but I'm going to have to go with the eliminating the competition theory while slaughter chuting the livestock into the mRNA poison here.
100% agree, they only want the mrna being used, specifically pfizer.
Except jand j is Mrna packaged and delivered differently but still mrna tech.
I agree with you, but there is some good effect here.
The J&J 'vaccine' gets publicly shut down for blood clot deaths, and, as far as the public can see, it has been approved safe for emergency use by the same standard as the Pfizer and Moderna 'vaccines'.
the public may figure that any one of those could be dangerous and the testing of all of them is insufficient. That accords with the rushed "Warp speed" timetable too.
If I were a clever normie and just read the MSM, I'd become suspicious of all of the 'vaccines' now that one has failed to be safe.
Fauci has investments in Moderna. He and Gates are butt buddies.