Think about it.
When was the last time you met someone from Costa Rica with the last name "Brady"? or people from Mexico with the last names "Booker" or "Bowman"?
Where have we heard the name "Booker"? Oh, yeah... Corey Booker!
How about Bowman? Possibly Jamaal Bowman, the most recent U.S. representative for New York's 16th congressional district?
Isn't it strange that the last name "Boyer" is for a boy from Costa Rica, but also for a girl from Canada? Boyer is also the name of an Arizona State Senator, Paul Boyer, in legislative district 20, which includes much of Glendale and North Phoenix.
Think about it. When was the last time you met someone from Costa Rica with the last name "Brady"? or people from Mexico with the last names "Booker" or "Bowman"? Where have we heard the name "Booker"? Oh, yeah... Corey Booker!
How about Bowman? Possibly Jamaal Bowman, the most recent U.S. representative for New York's 16th congressional district?
Isn't it strange that the last name "Boyer" is for a boy from Costa Rica, but also for a girl from Canada? Boyer is also the name of an Arizona State Senator, Paul Boyer, in legislative district 20, which includes much of Glendale and North Phoenix.
This may be a listing of their victims.
I think the list should be cross referenced with Wikileaks and Pizzagate/Cablegate documents. I just haven’t had the time to do so.
At least a Knowles comes up in those that isn’t Beyoncé, which was my first guess lol
You mean Arizona where the election steal was allowed to take place, I wonder what they used for influence?