The Map not being crazy ramblings would honestly be the biggest twist to come out of this. Simply because the map sounds too good to be true.
Supposing it’s all 100% accurate. It would essentially amount to a Star Trek esc future handed to us virtually overnight. With the added ability of a human life span being able to stretch into the hundreds of years.
That’s not even considering the ramifications of the esoteric and spiritual information included in it.
What leads me to believe that at least a big portion of it is accurate is my own research re: essenes, gnostics, occultism, et al. Have you heard of the series: Ascension keepers / Arcanum by William Henry?
He talks a lot about the "rainbow body of light" aspect of the map, which can be traced back to the earliest scriptures that we have like the dead sea scrolls and the concept is a part of every faith that there is. I'd love to send you a couple episodes if you're interested. He does a great job at analyzing art, scripture, history and spiritual themes connected to it.
rainbow body of light example in art:
Not only that....but they led the show, talking about DJT's uncle, and how he was the one to go through Nikola Tesla's files after his death...and that now the U.S. Navy patents for UFO technology are coming out
He likes to capture weak-minded anons, to sell them vitamins and pollute the narrative. Flynn has integrity the likes of which I've rarely seen. He sat down with him and gave an honest interview, knowing that he was a shill, but had a large audience.
I'm hearing more and more people use great awakening because it is gaining ground in sheep land. I don't know if I buy that AJ was referring to the Q movement which he hates.
Thats true, i remember he was down there for a week or so...
Ahh that's interesting to read from a regular listener. Will you update us if he resumes his Q trash talk?
As time goes on, people will begin to see that "The Great Awakening Map" is not so crazy after all :)
The Map not being crazy ramblings would honestly be the biggest twist to come out of this. Simply because the map sounds too good to be true.
Supposing it’s all 100% accurate. It would essentially amount to a Star Trek esc future handed to us virtually overnight. With the added ability of a human life span being able to stretch into the hundreds of years.
That’s not even considering the ramifications of the esoteric and spiritual information included in it.
What leads me to believe that at least a big portion of it is accurate is my own research re: essenes, gnostics, occultism, et al. Have you heard of the series: Ascension keepers / Arcanum by William Henry? He talks a lot about the "rainbow body of light" aspect of the map, which can be traced back to the earliest scriptures that we have like the dead sea scrolls and the concept is a part of every faith that there is. I'd love to send you a couple episodes if you're interested. He does a great job at analyzing art, scripture, history and spiritual themes connected to it. rainbow body of light example in art:
Sure. I’d be interested. I’ve tried diving into that before. But it’s so out of my depth that I’m left confused more often than not.
Episode 1: E2: E3: E4: E5:
There's 11 or 13 episodes in this series - let me know if you're interested in watching all of it once you've given it a try :)
Not only that....but they led the show, talking about DJT's uncle, and how he was the one to go through Nikola Tesla's files after his death...and that now the U.S. Navy patents for UFO technology are coming out
He likes to capture weak-minded anons, to sell them vitamins and pollute the narrative. Flynn has integrity the likes of which I've rarely seen. He sat down with him and gave an honest interview, knowing that he was a shill, but had a large audience.
Flynn also went out and promoted AJ's SPARS reporting...
AJ uses true information to lure researchers and independent thinkers
I just think its funny, how he talks shit on Q, but yet uses the same terminology all the time, and has been reporting on most of the same things...
He is the alt-media clout-chaser king
I'm hearing more and more people use great awakening because it is gaining ground in sheep land. I don't know if I buy that AJ was referring to the Q movement which he hates.
But he doesn't mention
He’s still around?