This is exactly the tactical practice SIGINT will deploy. Make the enemy thing they are being attacked from the northern skies, while being actually attacked from land and sea to the South. That is rudimentary ... it will be exponentially more complex than that, but you get the idea. Distraction and surprise, followed by suprise, followed by surprise ... pretty soon the enemy command and control fractures, and then it's CHECKMATE.
You sir ... are a fucking autist.
This is exactly the tactical practice SIGINT will deploy. Make the enemy thing they are being attacked from the northern skies, while being actually attacked from land and sea to the South. That is rudimentary ... it will be exponentially more complex than that, but you get the idea. Distraction and surprise, followed by suprise, followed by surprise ... pretty soon the enemy command and control fractures, and then it's CHECKMATE.
Um...maybe we shouldn't be talking about this? No need to let the CCP rat bastards in on this . ?
They cant stop it fren.