Good for you! After being in Target several times without a mask, a kid said, “mask mam?”, I said “I’m good” and continued walking as I heard him say ....”it’s required “.
WTH....they seem to be going backwards as there were more notices than usual saying to wear a mask AND a stand up sign out front, that a lady rushed to put in my way, since I was approaching the door without one. Needless to say, I was the only one in there that day without one, no one said anything. I agree....You just have to do it!!
Went into a Panera to use the bathroom and a woman yelled over if i needed a mask. I put on my cheesecloth mask that now has holes half an inch wide, and she was fine. Took it off in the bathroom and then walked out without it.
Ha! Good one! I have actually started walking into Panera with no mask. I use the kiosk to order every time. No one has said a thing. As much as I love Panera, I am boycotting them until all these companies stop being so woke to every little thing. I actually learned to say, “no thanks, I’m good” when asked if I need a mask, from people who have said it on this site. I really think more people want to take their masks off, but are still afraid of the repercussions. It does get old, sometimes, like I don’t want to deal with it. But, I’m more into not dealing with the masks!
I haven't been to a doctor in two years. It's going to be tough to find a new doctor with all this madness going on. In the meantime-exercise-eating well enough-and vitamins.
well if the vax is a mass depop weapon, then there will be a lot less doctors around as many of them took the vax or were forced to take it to keep their jobs
I can’t even get into my doctor’s office without one. They have a mask nazi at the entrance who takes everyone’s temperature before going in. The building my doctor is in doesn’t require a mask, but the doctor’s suite does. I tried to enter without a mask and the mask nazi lady wouldn’t even check my temperature until I put a mask on.
BTW, this is TX! The stupidity knows no end. UGHH!
It's terrible. I refused service at the ER because they wouldn't let me in without a mask. It was only for stitches. My hand is still pretty swollen, and doesn't look good, but I would rather have a shitty looking hand than burn the incense to their superstitious false gods.
Literally my day. Assigned to the vaccination clinic today. I couldn't believe the amount of people that were shocked that the vaccines aren't FDA approved. Or those that think they won't catch COVID now. Served them a little red pill along with the information sheet.
YOU ARE. A shot given without consent is felonious assault in many states
I tell my MD “No” exactly ONE time. At the second suggestion, my response is “Dr, I wouldn’t threaten your life, but you appear to be insistent on threatening mine. Do I need to be more clear? You won’t like it, I won’t like it; so let’s drop this shit now”
My husband and I are in our 60's, fit and healthy. No medications.
Our biggest fear is getting critically injured that would necessitate medical intervention. I slipped on ice a few years ago and banged my head a good one and we went to ER.
Good for you! After being in Target several times without a mask, a kid said, “mask mam?”, I said “I’m good” and continued walking as I heard him say ....”it’s required “.
WTH....they seem to be going backwards as there were more notices than usual saying to wear a mask AND a stand up sign out front, that a lady rushed to put in my way, since I was approaching the door without one. Needless to say, I was the only one in there that day without one, no one said anything. I agree....You just have to do it!!
Good job?? I don’t wear mask to stores, I work in salon (no mask)??????
No mask at a salon? What state are you in! That sounds amazing.
I’s still the only place that requires mask or no service, and I live in Florida.
Went into a Panera to use the bathroom and a woman yelled over if i needed a mask. I put on my cheesecloth mask that now has holes half an inch wide, and she was fine. Took it off in the bathroom and then walked out without it.
Ha! Good one! I have actually started walking into Panera with no mask. I use the kiosk to order every time. No one has said a thing. As much as I love Panera, I am boycotting them until all these companies stop being so woke to every little thing. I actually learned to say, “no thanks, I’m good” when asked if I need a mask, from people who have said it on this site. I really think more people want to take their masks off, but are still afraid of the repercussions. It does get old, sometimes, like I don’t want to deal with it. But, I’m more into not dealing with the masks!
Same with arby's. No cash, no indoor ordering and no business. Go woke, go broke
Good to know, thanks!
I've seen all these videos about "HOW to say no to the vaccine", and I'm really puzzled - can't people just say NO and mean it?
Seriously! NO means NO? I love I DON’T JADE = justify, Argue, Defend, Explain
No means no.
Congruency. They have given up their agency their whole lives. Why start to say NO now.
I haven't been to a doctor in two years. It's going to be tough to find a new doctor with all this madness going on. In the meantime-exercise-eating well enough-and vitamins.
My first since 2019 - Ditto to healthy regiment ??
well if the vax is a mass depop weapon, then there will be a lot less doctors around as many of them took the vax or were forced to take it to keep their jobs
I just say, "do I look like a fool to you?"
I can’t even get into my doctor’s office without one. They have a mask nazi at the entrance who takes everyone’s temperature before going in. The building my doctor is in doesn’t require a mask, but the doctor’s suite does. I tried to enter without a mask and the mask nazi lady wouldn’t even check my temperature until I put a mask on.
BTW, this is TX! The stupidity knows no end. UGHH!
It's terrible. I refused service at the ER because they wouldn't let me in without a mask. It was only for stitches. My hand is still pretty swollen, and doesn't look good, but I would rather have a shitty looking hand than burn the incense to their superstitious false gods.
Literally my day. Assigned to the vaccination clinic today. I couldn't believe the amount of people that were shocked that the vaccines aren't FDA approved. Or those that think they won't catch COVID now. Served them a little red pill along with the information sheet.
"Just following orders"
Historically no the soundest excuse you can give in your defense.
Who is in charge at the Med Office?
YOU ARE. A shot given without consent is felonious assault in many states
I tell my MD “No” exactly ONE time. At the second suggestion, my response is “Dr, I wouldn’t threaten your life, but you appear to be insistent on threatening mine. Do I need to be more clear? You won’t like it, I won’t like it; so let’s drop this shit now”
We seem to have an understanding
My husband and I are in our 60's, fit and healthy. No medications.
Our biggest fear is getting critically injured that would necessitate medical intervention. I slipped on ice a few years ago and banged my head a good one and we went to ER.
I refuse to even go to the dr. Can't do the whole mask bs for very long at all. I guess at this point I don't have a Dr at all anymore.