Mining stocks maybe. If you don't want too much physical in your house and have a lot of extra cash, its probably as good a place as any, and better than many. But in your hand, physical metals are the most likely path into some form of wealth after the fall of the fiat money system.
Mining stocks maybe. If you don't want too much physical in your house and have a lot of extra cash, its probably as good a place as any, and better than many. But in your hand, physical metals are the most likely path into some form of wealth after the fall of the fiat money system.
Ive been buying physical precious metals since my first job after college in 1984. Storing it really does become a problem after a few decades.
Sometimes I feel like a pirate. Arrrgh matey.
My house has a big backyard. You can burry as much as you want there, mark it with an X and everything.
That sounds like a very good problem to have.