Imagine how BLM will react when the trial is overturned because of the elected officials who enabled them and pushed for further violence. They will turn on them. They won't be able to walk the streets.
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He was kneeling on his shoulder actually and this entire thing was rigged from the start to explode because that exact move was right out of the MPD manual. Was it a necessary use of that level of force? Probably not. Was it entirely "by the book?" Sure was.
Given that this exact move happened in Great Britain and France within 3-4 days of each other, I'd say this was a planned event anyway. Ultimately, I could give a crap about what happens to this dickhead. He's either a CIA shill or a piece of crap cop, either way he sucks. What I do care about is the BLM people are going to go bananas and burn a bunch of stuff down and I'm going to have to lock and load...again.
Look on the bright side though, could be great cover for white hat operations.
^^^ THIS ^^^
100% ... That whole thing was completely fucking staged.