Copied & Pasted from the link for those of you on phones:
Evergreen Air is a CIA front company for chemtrail operations located within US, based out of Marana Air Park near Tucson Arizona and McMinville Oregon, near Portland.
“A major missing piece of a grand conspiracy has been targeted by a drunk pilot. In a small town 30 miles east of the Pacific Ocean in Oregon is the center of a major global operation.
At a bar in McMinnville, Oregon, an inebriated pilot attempted to impress one of the pretty ladies with tales of his secret mission.
The pilot’s pathetic attempt to portray himself as a Sean Connery or Daniel Craig caused him to (ante up) his importance and spill the secrets of the CIA’s asset Evergreen International Aviation.
The slurred revelations confirmed suspicions that Evergreen (International Aviation) is part of the major crap dump on the planet. Chemtrails made up aluminum, barium and other ingredients contribute to respiratory ills and change the acidity of the soil.” (Source:)
Evergreen works from over a 100 bases and employees 4,500 people. Delford Smith privately owns the company. They admittedly “perform” for the CIA.
Evergreen was given a no contest bid that gave them all the facilities in Marana, Arizona that previously belonged to CIA’s Air America (Pinal Air Park, Arizona).
The security at the Pinal site is said to be as severe as that of Area 51. It is run as a military base where one lost pilot got an armed escort immediately off the operational base. The 10 year pilot said it was nothing like anything he has ever seen.
Evergreen International Aviation brags of their planes that have 7 times the capacity of other fire fighters. One can carry 20,000 gallons.
Firefighting … Right … and next we will be told the chemtrails are to prevent global warming as millions more are advancing to an early death.
Evergreen International Aviation has exemptions from the law that are advertised on their web site. They can fly anywhere and not stay on a designated route.
Italian industrialist Aurelio Peccei, who founded the Club of Rome in 1968:
“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” (Source)
The lines are drawn.
Define Renegade [Hussein USSS code name].
Standard definition.
Define Evergreen [HRC USSS code name]
Non-standard definition.
Think depopulation.
The Silent War continues…
Has CFR members paved the way?
People like Philip Lader and John Wheeler III … they were in a position to do just that.
Evergreen’s public relations (propaganda) spokesman is handled by WPP run by Council on Foreign Relations member Philip Lader. He worked under the present head of the CIA … Leon Panetta as White House deputy of staff under Bill Clinton.
Philip Lader is an “inside” authority on international affairs and business. He is the non-executive Chairman of WPP Group, Senior Adviser to Morgan Stanley International, and a board member for think-tank RAND Corporation.
He is also a trustee of UC Rusal (largest aluminum company in the world) the British Museum and St. Paul’s Cathedral Foundation.
Ambassador Lader has addressed trans-Atlantic audiences from the U.N.’s General Assembly Hall to state chambers of commerce and local world affairs councils, is a member of Rockefeller’s Council on Foreign Relations.
Philip Lader (CFR) is a key player driving toward world government. In addition to running the Public Relations for Evergreen International Aviation … Lader is a director of UC Rusal, the largest Aluminum producer in the world located in Moscow, Sweden, Italy, and Australia. Nathaniel Rothschild is a big investor.
Eugenic operation of Chemtrails has had the assistance of Mitre a non-profit Corporation that manages the Federal Aviation Administration, Homeland Security, and IRS. (1) The IRS is part of the Federal Reserve which is a major transmission belt driving the conspiracy.
Philip Lader’s fellow Council on Foreign Relations member John P Wheeler III was recently dumped into a land fill in Wilmington, Delaware. Wheeler III was a consultant to Mitre the non profit corporation with jurisdictional advice over the Federal Aviation Administration’s flight patterns.
Was John P. Wheeler III to sentimental for the killing underway? And got murdered by the Company?
The CIA is the enforcement arm of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Mitre is conveniently located in McLean,Virginia home of the CIA.
Thanks to the drunken pilot and his loose lips … the Free People of the world can focus on the criminals who are poisoning our air and our water.
This is a PSA reminding you that PSYOP's are real.
Instead of tumbling down these bottomless rabbitholes like Alice, maybe you'd rather "expand your thinking" by enjoying this....
The Most Beautiful Chess Game Ever Played - "The Evergreen Game"
This is a PSA reminding you that PSYOP's are real. Enjoy!
How can you expose what never was? Evergreen International Aviation went defunct in 2014, so they have been out of action for the past 7 years. They typically sprayed drug-abatement herbicides and fire-fighting chemicals. And did various errands for the CIA, none of which involved "chemtrails." Fixation on paranoid delusions is a leading edge component of psychosis, so keep it real.
Fixation on paranoid delusions is a leading edge component of psychosis, so keep it real.
DIVIDED you are weak.
DIVIDED you fight each other.
DIVIDED you pose no threat.
System of control.
Information warfare.
Quick list of PSYOP's (Things that don't exist)
UFO's with Alien's inside.
"Chem"-trails poisoning the same air that (((they))) breathe.
DUMB's (Deep Underground Military Bases) What like Zion from "The Matrix"?
HAARP as Weather Modification.
CERN as a portal to Hell.
Perpetual Motion Machines.
Zero Point Energy.
Dark Matter and Dark Energy.
The Big Bang.
Missed only a few:---
Flat Earth
Moon Landing Hoax
9/11 False Flag Conspiracy (or Truthers)
Global Warming / Climate Change
Darwinian Evolution
Time Travel
To clarify, are you saying the "Moon Landing Hoax", ie a double negative...
Landing on the Moon was the PSYOP or the Conspiracy theory that it was faked.
Yes! Thank you very much, I'd been thinking about putting together something regarding all these distraction/psyops and this convo has given me inspiration.
Thoughts on Big Foot?
Adding a double space at the end of your lines.
Allows them to stack.
As for Bigfoot, I confess to a bias. Firstly, I come from the region of the country where the favored name is Sasquatsch (and I have some strange correspondence in my grandfather's letters with a reporter who claimed to have popularized that name). Secondly, my family had a credible (to me) sighting of something that corresponds to the popular description, witnessed by all 4 of them while on a hike along a ridge near Mt. Baker in Whatcom County of the state of Washington. They were looking across at the adjacent ridge with binoculars, observing another hiking party making their way up the trail. Clear sunlight viewing. They could see their clothing, etc. Then they noticed on another ridge, next to that, with a bright snowfield, a solitary figure making its way up the slope. Erect, walking in a strangely rigid way, and all dark, with no differentiation as to clothing. Also taller than the other human beings at the same distance. (The other hiking party was unaware of this solitary figure.) This went on for minutes, and all members of my family had the opportunity to compare the hiking party with the figure through the binoculars. The available theories seemed to boil down to: (1) a bear walking erect up a snowfield, or (2) a sasquatsch. The first option was, frankly, low credibility on account of bears not behaving like that. So, my position is to keep an open mind. After all, the okapi was not recognized until 1901. The coelacanth was not discovered until 1938.
I would concur. I was just doing some research on the Minnesota Iceman and believe some games are being played with regard to keeping (or at least trying to) the proverbial "genie" in the bottle. It seems fairly clear to me the way {they} are adamant about disproving or "debunking" something only serves to give the alternative view point more water. Compare that to the UFO/Pentagon stuff recently and it just puts the nail in the coffin for me.
Copied & Pasted from the link for those of you on phones:
Evergreen Air is a CIA front company for chemtrail operations located within US, based out of Marana Air Park near Tucson Arizona and McMinville Oregon, near Portland.
“A major missing piece of a grand conspiracy has been targeted by a drunk pilot. In a small town 30 miles east of the Pacific Ocean in Oregon is the center of a major global operation.
At a bar in McMinnville, Oregon, an inebriated pilot attempted to impress one of the pretty ladies with tales of his secret mission.
The pilot’s pathetic attempt to portray himself as a Sean Connery or Daniel Craig caused him to (ante up) his importance and spill the secrets of the CIA’s asset Evergreen International Aviation.
The slurred revelations confirmed suspicions that Evergreen (International Aviation) is part of the major crap dump on the planet. Chemtrails made up aluminum, barium and other ingredients contribute to respiratory ills and change the acidity of the soil.” (Source:)
Evergreen works from over a 100 bases and employees 4,500 people. Delford Smith privately owns the company. They admittedly “perform” for the CIA.
Evergreen was given a no contest bid that gave them all the facilities in Marana, Arizona that previously belonged to CIA’s Air America (Pinal Air Park, Arizona).
The security at the Pinal site is said to be as severe as that of Area 51. It is run as a military base where one lost pilot got an armed escort immediately off the operational base. The 10 year pilot said it was nothing like anything he has ever seen.
Evergreen International Aviation brags of their planes that have 7 times the capacity of other fire fighters. One can carry 20,000 gallons.
Firefighting … Right … and next we will be told the chemtrails are to prevent global warming as millions more are advancing to an early death.
Evergreen International Aviation has exemptions from the law that are advertised on their web site. They can fly anywhere and not stay on a designated route.
Italian industrialist Aurelio Peccei, who founded the Club of Rome in 1968:
“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” (Source)
The lines are drawn. [Zw7301-&vQO-OO-03] Define Renegade [Hussein USSS code name]. Standard definition. Define Evergreen [HRC USSS code name] Non-standard definition. Think depopulation. The Silent War continues… Q
Has CFR members paved the way?
People like Philip Lader and John Wheeler III … they were in a position to do just that.
Evergreen’s public relations (propaganda) spokesman is handled by WPP run by Council on Foreign Relations member Philip Lader. He worked under the present head of the CIA … Leon Panetta as White House deputy of staff under Bill Clinton.
Philip Lader is an “inside” authority on international affairs and business. He is the non-executive Chairman of WPP Group, Senior Adviser to Morgan Stanley International, and a board member for think-tank RAND Corporation.
He is also a trustee of UC Rusal (largest aluminum company in the world) the British Museum and St. Paul’s Cathedral Foundation.
Ambassador Lader has addressed trans-Atlantic audiences from the U.N.’s General Assembly Hall to state chambers of commerce and local world affairs councils, is a member of Rockefeller’s Council on Foreign Relations.
Philip Lader (CFR) is a key player driving toward world government. In addition to running the Public Relations for Evergreen International Aviation … Lader is a director of UC Rusal, the largest Aluminum producer in the world located in Moscow, Sweden, Italy, and Australia. Nathaniel Rothschild is a big investor.
Eugenic operation of Chemtrails has had the assistance of Mitre a non-profit Corporation that manages the Federal Aviation Administration, Homeland Security, and IRS. (1) The IRS is part of the Federal Reserve which is a major transmission belt driving the conspiracy.
Philip Lader’s fellow Council on Foreign Relations member John P Wheeler III was recently dumped into a land fill in Wilmington, Delaware. Wheeler III was a consultant to Mitre the non profit corporation with jurisdictional advice over the Federal Aviation Administration’s flight patterns.
Was John P. Wheeler III to sentimental for the killing underway? And got murdered by the Company?
The CIA is the enforcement arm of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Mitre is conveniently located in McLean,Virginia home of the CIA.
Thanks to the drunken pilot and his loose lips … the Free People of the world can focus on the criminals who are poisoning our air and our water.
Hello Everyone!
This is a PSA reminding you that PSYOP's are real.
Instead of tumbling down these bottomless rabbitholes like Alice, maybe you'd rather "expand your thinking" by enjoying this....
The Most Beautiful Chess Game Ever Played - "The Evergreen Game"
This is a PSA reminding you that PSYOP's are real.
Cancerous website
I'm using BRAVE and I went directly to link with no problems on my android phone.
Malware bytes reports it as having a Potentially Unwanted Program (PUP). I didn't go any further past that.
Good to know
That link gave my phone a seizure.
I can’t get past reading the title before it sends me to some scam “VPN” app.
I'm using Brave on Linux; went right to it. In fact, I've been there before a couple of years ago.
How can you expose what never was? Evergreen International Aviation went defunct in 2014, so they have been out of action for the past 7 years. They typically sprayed drug-abatement herbicides and fire-fighting chemicals. And did various errands for the CIA, none of which involved "chemtrails." Fixation on paranoid delusions is a leading edge component of psychosis, so keep it real.
Right on!
Quick list of PSYOP's
(Things that don't exist)
UFO's with Alien's inside.
"Chem"-trails poisoning the same air that (((they))) breathe.
DUMB's (Deep Underground Military Bases) What like Zion from "The Matrix"?
HAARP as Weather Modification.
CERN as a portal to Hell.
Perpetual Motion Machines.
Zero Point Energy.
Dark Matter and Dark Energy.
The Big Bang.
Did I miss any?
Missed only a few:--- Flat Earth Moon Landing Hoax 9/11 False Flag Conspiracy (or Truthers) Global Warming / Climate Change Darwinian Evolution Time Travel
Thank you!
To clarify, are you saying the "Moon Landing Hoax", ie a double negative...
Landing on the Moon was the PSYOP or the Conspiracy theory that it was faked.
I had them stacked in a column, then the site decided to unstack them. sigh
To your question: the PSYOP that asserts the Moon Landings were hoaxes and thus conspiracies (not true events). Is that better?
Yes! Thank you very much, I'd been thinking about putting together something regarding all these distraction/psyops and this convo has given me inspiration.
Thoughts on Big Foot?
Adding a double space at the end of your lines.
Allows them to stack.
Thanks for the formatting clue!
As for Bigfoot, I confess to a bias. Firstly, I come from the region of the country where the favored name is Sasquatsch (and I have some strange correspondence in my grandfather's letters with a reporter who claimed to have popularized that name). Secondly, my family had a credible (to me) sighting of something that corresponds to the popular description, witnessed by all 4 of them while on a hike along a ridge near Mt. Baker in Whatcom County of the state of Washington. They were looking across at the adjacent ridge with binoculars, observing another hiking party making their way up the trail. Clear sunlight viewing. They could see their clothing, etc. Then they noticed on another ridge, next to that, with a bright snowfield, a solitary figure making its way up the slope. Erect, walking in a strangely rigid way, and all dark, with no differentiation as to clothing. Also taller than the other human beings at the same distance. (The other hiking party was unaware of this solitary figure.) This went on for minutes, and all members of my family had the opportunity to compare the hiking party with the figure through the binoculars. The available theories seemed to boil down to: (1) a bear walking erect up a snowfield, or (2) a sasquatsch. The first option was, frankly, low credibility on account of bears not behaving like that. So, my position is to keep an open mind. After all, the okapi was not recognized until 1901. The coelacanth was not discovered until 1938.
I would concur. I was just doing some research on the Minnesota Iceman and believe some games are being played with regard to keeping (or at least trying to) the proverbial "genie" in the bottle. It seems fairly clear to me the way {they} are adamant about disproving or "debunking" something only serves to give the alternative view point more water. Compare that to the UFO/Pentagon stuff recently and it just puts the nail in the coffin for me.