I've thought for a long time that many had flipped and were acting. I especially wondered how Biden apparently went downhill so quickly. This decode just helps confirm it. But I still think James Woods or someone else is playing Biden now. Too many features are different - eyes, ears, fingers...
I bet Ducey has flipped and is just waiting until it's his turn to act. Same for Newsom. Remember all the CA Dems who went to Hawaii? Would have been a perfect time to "talk" to them all.
I haven't read this particular DS blog post yet, but Biden describing Trump's outgoing president-to-president letter as "very generous" was eye opening, yes? What a very STRANGE way to describe what one would think would be an innocuous, ceremonial letter.
Super hyped to see this trickle down Snitchonomics play out. Rats on a sinking ship...
I've thought for a long time that many had flipped and were acting. I especially wondered how Biden apparently went downhill so quickly. This decode just helps confirm it. But I still think James Woods or someone else is playing Biden now. Too many features are different - eyes, ears, fingers...
I bet Ducey has flipped and is just waiting until it's his turn to act. Same for Newsom. Remember all the CA Dems who went to Hawaii? Would have been a perfect time to "talk" to them all.
I haven't read this particular DS blog post yet, but Biden describing Trump's outgoing president-to-president letter as "very generous" was eye opening, yes? What a very STRANGE way to describe what one would think would be an innocuous, ceremonial letter.
Super hyped to see this trickle down Snitchonomics play out. Rats on a sinking ship...