They're probably brushing her hair to get cheap oil, grease, and mayonnaise ready for the masses. She's good for about 1,000 barrels of Yugo-grade automotive oil, several hundred pounds of grease, and roughly 10,657 jars of mayo a day.
I hate that cunt. I saw her in real life once down in the Florida Keys ... no joke, a chill went down my spine ... no more than a second later, my friend said "Isn't that Debbie Wasserman Shultz?" ... I looked over and the greasy haired cunt was about 10 feet away from me ... she had the absolute fakest laugh I had ever heard and is really that fucking ugly in real life. I couldn't believe it was her at first (seriously, there's something strange about seeing someone in real life that you normally see on TV), but it was really her.
I will never forget that chill and then seeing that thing. I think the chill was a coincidence overall since I was tired and buzzed after having a few drinks, but a small, nagging part of me thinks it was something else alerting me to evil being nearby :-). She was with some other woman I didn't recognize, and she was at the bar we were at for 10 or 15 minutes talking to some guy that was dressed casually (didn't recognize him either, and couldn't hear what they were talking about due to music). All I heard was the laugh ... and it is sickening.
Where is she, anyway? I haven't heard that name in a while
She was mistaken for a poodle and locked up by DC animal control.
Rabid poodle, right?
And with COVID.
They're probably brushing her hair to get cheap oil, grease, and mayonnaise ready for the masses. She's good for about 1,000 barrels of Yugo-grade automotive oil, several hundred pounds of grease, and roughly 10,657 jars of mayo a day.
I hate that cunt. I saw her in real life once down in the Florida Keys ... no joke, a chill went down my spine ... no more than a second later, my friend said "Isn't that Debbie Wasserman Shultz?" ... I looked over and the greasy haired cunt was about 10 feet away from me ... she had the absolute fakest laugh I had ever heard and is really that fucking ugly in real life. I couldn't believe it was her at first (seriously, there's something strange about seeing someone in real life that you normally see on TV), but it was really her.
I will never forget that chill and then seeing that thing. I think the chill was a coincidence overall since I was tired and buzzed after having a few drinks, but a small, nagging part of me thinks it was something else alerting me to evil being nearby :-). She was with some other woman I didn't recognize, and she was at the bar we were at for 10 or 15 minutes talking to some guy that was dressed casually (didn't recognize him either, and couldn't hear what they were talking about due to music). All I heard was the laugh ... and it is sickening.
DC really is Hollywood for the ugly!