According to Ghost Ezra (I know) Richard has been arrested in DC. There is a video of him actually getting arrested on Ghost Ezra's Telegram account.
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If I remember correctly, Richard started off mildly debunking the claims of Capital being under occupation in the beginning, but as he started taking videos he started realising it was true. Now he has been arrested, so perhaps he was over the target
it would seem so. Off to the gulag for the poor guy.
Nah, stolen Valor and domestic violence outstanding warrant I think.
DV is a very common excuse to arrest people who cause trouble. Its as easy as finding someone in their life, putting pressure, and getting a statement that can be vaguely interpreted as being threatened by the target.
When Millie was originally releasing Shadowgate, she was arrested for DV as well.
[Richard Blumenthal has slinked out of the chat]
Yeah this happened yesterday, right before all the shit went down there last night. He is the one that always throws a wrench in their plans, the rose garden ceremony for instance. I found it a bit weird, they arrested him right before everything started really going down. I heard a theory from LT that we have already arrested them all, so when they need them there for a show, like that thing from dip shit last night, they bus them in with heavy military presence to prevent ds schinanigans. It sounds legit. The last time I seen the busses like last night was at about 2am on the 20th of January. I don't know, seems logical. It would then make sense the ng being there to guard all the bussed in prisoners to the capitol building to put on a show for the sheep. I guess we will eventually find out, but stuff is starting to fit together imo.
One day last week, he purposely walked into a crowd of BLM/Antifa just to rattle them. The police made him get out of there....he has brass, I will give him that!!
Apparently, he was arrested for parole violation. Someone mentioned firearms offense (s).
I’m not tired of winning yet. /s
What are the charges?
Not sure yet, but I'm going through the comments to see if I can find out. I will report back if I hear anymore info.