I am getting tired pedes. I am exhausted of seeing our digital soldiers who are willing to sacrifice their time & energy (ie their life) being torn down for not comprehending principles other pedes understand easily. We all have been raised with different experiences & each of our minds process that information differently causing us all to be diverse.
We must build each other up! Contention & Anger is simply Satan/the cabals efforts to tear down this great movement. If you are going to criticize someone's efforts, give them a 3rd Grade (or Explain It Like I'm 5) understanding of what you understand & provide links when possible for their own growth.
If you are here as a digital soldier working to wake up the masses we need you. Take all criticism of your efforts as other digital soldiers trying to refine you into an amazing jewel for this movement & for God.
If you are here as an information seeker & lover of truth, we need you here to help us find the mistakes we make as we navigate the ocean sized currents of information we all are trying to filter & comprehend & thank you for your insights, questions & ideas.
If you are a lurker, welcome. Consider that this forum is filled with individuals attempting to decode & break down information from Q posts, not some Q-Anon group. If you are lurking! You are a Q-Anon just as almost every single account here is on a basic level anonymous (or I do not know who you really are by looking at your username, or that you are even seeking truth).
I even welcome those with evil so deeply rooted in their hearts because it is all they were raised to understand & pray that your heart is softened to understand the truth that is coming.
We are told to read our bibles by Q. The drops of information are fantastic, but there are stories of great Native American tribes whom destroyed one another in great anger after receiving truth from the white bearded God. We must not fall into their cycle of hatred or we too as a nation are destined to lose a terrible amount of life here. We must share this information with the masses so they can understand how evid & deep this corruption really is.
The Bible teaches us to build up one another & help each other with growth. We must love each other & stop trolling/dick slapping each other here. Every time we lose another potentially great memesmith, we take away more fantastic redpills that are never created or shared.
NAS version of Thessalonians 5:11-19
11 Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing. Christian Conduct 12 But we request of you, brethren, that you appreciate those who diligently labor among you, and have charge over you in the Lord and give you instruction, 13 and that you esteem them very highly in love because of their work. Live in peace with one another. 14 We urge you, brethren, admonish the unruly, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with everyone. 15 See that no one repays another with evil for evil, but always seek after that which is good for one another and for all people. 16 Rejoice always; 17 pray without ceasing; 18 in everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 19 Do not quench the Spirit;
Personally I prefer the King James Bible, but the above New American Standard is understood much more easily by most.
ThankQ all for being part of this community. I will fight for the survival & Awakening of all individuals that are decieved, because anyone who has been following this movie know WWG1WGA
TLDR- Build each other up & if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all towards each other... I would argue laughing at & mocking NPCs are still glorious fun :D
I am going nowhere. We lost u/ThinkMultipleRoles today for a meme with yellow text on a white background.
This is a simple rookie mistake, especially for someone with good eyes & no marketing background.
I just hope to wake up this board to the fact we should all build each other up & focus on sharing the truth no matter where it leads.
Thank you fren.
Why didn't he just fix the color and reupload? Thats what I would've done.
You got people from all walks of life online. Sometimes my posts get 400 likes, and sometimes they don't break 20.
Gotta get tough and adapt. Just like our President - the toughest celebrity I know!
Iteration is how you asymptotically approach greatness.
And it tolerates no snowflakiness.
I don't know the full reason why.
Though when I worked with at risk youth, sometimes it took over a year of consistent building up & showing them their own greatness multiple times per week to help their minds shift from the lies & deception they had internalized. Many of these youth turned into the great members of society where they actively help build up & heal others who are suffering from similar abuses to what they experienced in their youth.
I guess a better way to put it is that instead of personally attacking others (which attack might be 100% accurate) helping fellow members believe in themselves is a better choice.
I have never seen Trump start the attack, he simply hits back harder. Also I have seen him build others up & help other believe in themselves.
Trump definitely starts the attack... Not that his actions are applicable your friends situation though.
I can't pass judgement and say whether your friend deserves his criticism or not, because I only read your post about it. However, based on my own life experience, I can say instead of licking our wounds, it's better if we adapt and improve. In the end, we can only control how we react to the situation.
Sometimes criticism can be bits of gold wrapped in ugly packages. A sea of critics can become your greatest ally if you remove your personal pride from the situation.
I thought someone was literally dead when I read your title. I'm sorry if I come off as downplaying the situation's severity.
Thanks for that insight on the title. I think you are referring to developing a thick skin & I agree we all need to have/develop one in order to succeed.
90+% of the time in life it has been general BS with friends I have a good rapport with & we just let it slide off. It was great practice for life outside of Highschool.
Sounded like they ended up being stalked/personally trolled by a user who thought it was funny to poke fun at them personally for their lack of basic marketing principles (as I call them) or best practices for memes that all can understand/see.
This post is just to have a good reminder up on this board (which generally happens anyway) to help those honestly seeking truth & working towards the acceptance of the WWG1WGA process.