posted ago by Ddrake ago by Ddrake +40 / -1

Sometimes I struggle to ask our Father for stuff. My problem is God is not a vending machine. Well, I’ve been taking and asking Him for an awful lot this last year and boy has He been answering me. This week while stuck inside I started looking for some noise to play in the background while I worked. While flipping through shows I ran across three, count them, THREE different versions of the story of Christ in the Garden of Gesthsemane. His struggles in the temple and after in the garden mirror what we are doing right now. We have been angry, we’ve whined about our fate and demanded that Q, Trump, the army save us. Christ responds to His trials much the same way. He turns over tables and prayed to our Father to take away His burden. The difference is he prays for Gods will be done. He educates those he was leaving. He told them this had to be and he stopped Simon and healed the Roman soldiers ear. Sound familiar. I may still be angry. I still may whine but I’m not missing the message our Father sent me. Gods will be done!